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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/618

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530 FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1778. 1904. N°*i°° °* °l°°“°“· lied voters to act as ud es of such election. A printed or typewritten cop of said order shall be posted at three of the most public places witliin the limit of the pro sed corporation at least thirgy days prior to the day of election, andpguch posting shall be deeme a sufficient notice of such election. ‘*“““*°‘"°’°”· Sec. 2. That ever male person twenty-one years of age who is a citizen of the United, States or has declared his intention to become such, and who has resided continuously one year next preceding the election in the district of Alaska, and six months next preceding the election within the limits of the proposed corporation, shall be qualified to vote at said or any subsequent municipal election. Said elec- °"“°°‘ tion shall be by printed or written ballot in the following form, to wit: " Fon Incourommou or mn rows or (name of proposed corporation)/’ or "Aeams·r mcoaronnron or run rown or » (name of proposed corporation)? '¤°=°¤ °* °*°°'**°m· The qualified electors of the community pro sed to be incorporated may also at said election b a separate ballot ehooose a common council of seven members who shall be qualified electors of the community. The said judges of election shall before entering upon the duties of their olliee take an oath in writing to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their trust, and they shall duly canvass and com- Ccrriiicgw of vows pile the vote cast and issue under their hands and seals a certificate in °°°"°b° "mpH°°°°` triplicate showing the number of votes cast in favor of incorporation an the number of votes cast against inco ration. One of said triplicate certificates, together with all the biillbts east and the oaths of the judges of elections, shall immediately be filed with the clerk of the district court in the division in which the communit proposed to be incorporated is situate, another of said certificates shall be filed with the secreta of the district of Alaska, and the third of said certificates shall be filddy with the commissioner of the precinct in which said comd_£¤;g;di¤8 =¢¤¤l* ¤f munity is located. If it shall appear from the said triplicate certificate ` of election filed with the clerk o the district court as aforesaid that two-thirds or more of the votes cast at said election were in favor of incorporation and that the provisions of law relating to incorporation have been substantially com lied with then the district judge shall, by an order in writing entered) in the records of the court, dulv adj ud e and declare that the community in which such election has been hefld is, and shall be deemed to be, a municipal cor oration under the name of "The town of (here insert name) in the district of Alaska," and the same shall from thenceforth be deemed a municipal corporation possessed of the powers and privileges hereinafter prescribed, and such other powers as may be given by law. "‘”"“ °"`°°°”· Sec. 3. That the said judges of election shall also canvass the votes given at said election for members of the common council, and shall eclare the seven candidates who have received the reatest number of votes for such office duly elected and shall issue and deliver to them certificates of their election. In case the community in which said election has been held becomes incorporated as aforesaid, the members of the common council chosen as aforesaid, as well as the members of such council chosen at subsequent elections, shall, before entering °““" upon the duties of their office, severally take an oath in writing to hon- Amw mmm estlly and faithfully discharge the duties of their trust, which oaths ` shall be filed with the clerk of the town. An annual election shall be held each and every year, on the first Tuesday of April, in every incor-