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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/619

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 1778. 1904. 531 porated town in the district of Alaska for the election of members of the common council. The members of the council chosen at the first m§`,f"““ °* °°““°“· election shall hold their office until the next annual election and until ' their successors are elected and qualified, and the members of the council chosen at subsequent elections shall hold their office for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. f lSec._ 4. That the said common council shall have and exercise the c0§{’,§,‘},‘},f,;n_°‘ ‘°""* 0 owing wers: v01. sz, p. un, First. 'Fdoadopt rules and by-laws for their proceedin , and to elect °¤i¤ilig€dém. one of their number president of the council, who sgll also be ex oliicio mayor of the town and who when chosen shall continue to hold the ppsition of president and ex officio mayor during the term for whic the council was elected, and who shall take care that the ordinances and resolves of the council be faithfully executed. Second. To appoint a clerk, a treasurer, an assessor, a municipal 0¤¤<=¤¤· magistrate, a municipal attorney, a chief of police, and such other oiH— cials or employees as may be necessary, but none of such officers or emlployees shall be appointed for a longer term than one lyear. . hird. To make suitable provision for munici land other elections, ekf,';g§s°*P°‘· °'°~· sul:} to appoint three judges and two clerks of eleslztion for each polling ' p ce in the town. Fourth. To provide for the location, construction, and maintenance ¤'=¤**¤· M of the necessary streets, alleys, crossings, sidewalks, sewers, and wharves. If such street, alley, sidewalk, or sewer, or partsthereof, is located and constructed upon the petition of the owners of two—thirds in value of the property abutting upon and affected by such improvement, then two-thirds of the cost of the same may, in thediscretion of the council, be collected by the assessment and evy of a tax against the abutting property an such tax shall be a lien upon the same and msipfhe col ected as other real estate taxes are coHected. ' »h. To provide for the location and construction, for a limited MT;,'}?' ml "“8°” distance and to a limited extent, of trails and w on roads outside of the limits of the town, but leading to and from tile same, where such roads and trails are necessary for lpromoting the welfare and prosperity of the town, but no money s all be expended for such purpose except upon the unanimous vote of the entire council unless the qualified voters of the town have at an annual election by ballot, by a two- · thirds vote, voted in favor of such expenditure. _ Sixth. To provide for tire protection, water supply, lights, wharf- p,¥"§'[,°,,’,§{Q?f°,§€f"‘· ‘"" agp}, pnéblic health, and police protection, and the relief of the destitute an in i ent. Sevengh. To assess, levy, and collect a poll tax of not less than two '”*°*· dollars nor more than four dollars r year on all male residents over twenty-one and under fifty years opczge who are not active members, serving without pay, of a volunteer re company in the town. Such tax shall be a lien upon and may be collected from any real or personal property of the person against whom the tax is levied except wearing apparel and household furniture less than three hundred dollars in va ue. Eighth. To levy a tax of not more than two dollars per year upon D°¥°°"~ each dog against the rson who keeps the same, and to provide for the impounding or killing of the dog in ease the tax is not paid or in case the do is vicious or dangerous to life or health. Ninth. 'lgy assess, levy, and collect a general tax for school and S"h°°l “"· municipal purposes, not to exceed two per centum of the assessed valuation, upon a real and personal roperty, and to declare the same a lien upon such property and to enfldrce the collection of such lien by foreclosure, levy, istress, and sale: Prmrided, however, That all prop- £;g;¤¤{,0¤ erty belonging to the municipality, all property used exclusively for p '