534 I·`IFTY·EIGH'l`H CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 1778, 1779. 1904. R°P°•*· SEO. 8. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are, to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed; and the provisions of this Act shall apply to and govern all municipal corpora.- tions heretofore created in the district of Alaska. Approved, April 28, 1904. Apéll GHAP. 1779.-An Act For the extension of Albemarle street. [mum, No. 211.1 S Be it;_¢jeted by thecélenate and 0j'1;£?epreeentah¥1ves of the United tateao marina in owgresa ass , at inasmuc as over ninet -
c(4hmisi1hih$ nine per centum of the ground required for the extension of Albemarle
mr¤»$c&$°¤i!g¤w am- street, in the District of Columbia, from Connecticut avenue to Rock
- 1****** md °'· Creel: Park, has been dedicated to the District of Columbia, the Commissioners of said District are hereby authorized and directed, within
Ei‘.iI'.°2Z.‘i“li “ii?§Jfi Wihti-mai *°“’ *° i“.ii°}¥f° S" °i$,“t""°’i'£’ _ e e__ 1as1tt.u1ga.sasccon_ ypetion, particularly describing the lainds to be taken, a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary to comp etc the extension of Albemarip (sglexgz to E width of ninety feet between Connecticut · avenue an r ranc road. Afggmw- Sec. 2. That of the amount found to be due and awarded as dam- '" axggsuflcgrland intresplect of the laiéddcondelmned fo; abc expenplgp pf r e s rec as ere1n rov1 e suc amoun ereo s e assessed by the jury hereinager provided for as benefits, and to the · extent of such benefits, against those pieces or parcels of land on each side of said street as extended and also on any or all pieces or parcels of land wiljl be benefited by the extension of said street, as said jury may said pieces or parce s of land will be benefited and in determining the amounts to be assessed against said pieces or, parcels of land the jury shall take into consideration the respective situations of such pieces or parcels of land and the benefits they may severally lr2y9e,:;,, f wm rpcelive from the extensionfofhsaidastrpet as aforesaid: Hmded, That _°l °”° ‘ ”· i the a gregate amount o the ne ts to be assessed, as determined ew by said {jury pursuant to the provisions hereof, is less than one—half of the amount of the damages awarded for and in respect of the land condemned, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may, in their dsscretipn, rej;-ict tlhseljfzxrd and gssessiment of said jury and all procce in s ereun er s nu an v01 . — mrisuce of 1>r¤cc¤d— t Sec. 3. Eghlag the said pongrt sjiall cafuse public nogice of lnot less than d· m m. en a s given o the ti ing o said procce ings, 1y advertise- W semen ment in such manner as the court shall prescribe, which notice shall warn all persons having any interest in the proceedings to attend court at a day to be named in said notice and to continue in attendance until the court shall have made its final order ratifying and contirming the award of damn es and assessment of benefits of the jury; mmm mms. and in addition to such puliic notice said court, whenever in its judgment it is practicable to do so, may cause a copy of said notice to be served py the marshal of the District of Columbia, or his deputies, upon su owners of the land to be condemned as may be found by
magshrpl, or his dekputies, withinbthe Disltpict of Columbia.
umnaimjuzy. mo. . at a ter the return o the mars and the filin of roof of publication of the notice provided for in the (preceding segtionlj said coprt dsliall cause a jurymof sgxien jiuldicious, finterested men, not re ate o any rson in rest in e rocee ings and not i th service or_cmpli)>‘yment of the District ofp Columbia dr of the Uiiited °“'“‘· States, to be summoned by the marshal of the District of Columbia, to which jurors said court shall administer an oath or affirmation that they are not interested in any manner in the land to be condemned nor