FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. on. 1778. 1904. » 533 _ Sec. 6. That the clerk appointed by the council shall attend its meet- D“**°° °* °l°'l*· ` ings, keep a full record of all its proceedings and of all disbursements - of public money, and he shall also file and duly keep all the records and pu ligdpapers of the town, and he shall to all intents and purposes be eem to be the clerk and bookkeeper of the town and shall officiate as such. The treasurer appointed by the council shall be the custodian '1‘r¤¤¤r¤r- of all the moneys of the town: Provided, That said treasurer shall pay MM- over to the treasurer of the school district all moneys available for the 1>¤¤¤¤· maintenance of schools. He shall keep an itemized, full, and correct account of all moneys received and dis ursed, and he shall pay out no money except upon an order signed by the ex officio mayor and countersigned by the c erk and specif ing the ob`ect and purpose of the pay- ment, and no such order shall be issuecl except upon vote of four members of the council ata meeting in which five members are present. He shall before entering upon the duties of his office give his bond to the town, with sufficient sureties to be approved by the council, in such sum as the council may direct, not less, however, than twice the amount of the public money that may come into his hands astreasurer during his term, which bond shall be conditioned that he will faithfully and honestl · collect, keep, and disburse all the moneys belonging to the town, which bond shall be tiled with and kept by the clerk of the town. The assessor appointed by the council s all once each year, at anew:. such time as the council may direct, duly list and assess all the taxable property of the town .at its just and fair value. He shall tile such ist and assessmentas soon as completed with the clerk of the town, and shall serve a notice of the filing opthesame upon each person residing in the town whose property has been assessed. The council may ‘ ‘ review and revise the assessment, and may, upon proper evidence and _ conformable to justice, increase or diminish the same in individual ~ cases, and when so revised and reviewed, and finally approved by the . council, the same shall be deemed to be the true basis or the lev and assessment of taxes. The municipal attorney shall bethe legal achriser Mwrncvof the council and the other town officials in reference to their official duties, and he shall represent the town as attorney in all civil and criminal prosecutions in which the town is interested. All officers 0¤¤¤· appointed by the council shall, before entering upon the duties of t cir omce, severally take an oath, in writing, to honestly, faithfully, and impartially perform the duties of their office, which oath shall e filed with the clerk of the town. The council shall, atthe beginning C°m¤°¤¤¤i<>¤· of the term of each officer appointed by them, by ordinance fix his compensation for the term, which compensation when so fixed shall be neit er increased nor diminished during the term, nor shall said officers be entitled to receive, in any form or shape, any other or additional compensation. Any officer of the town, whether elective or R°*¤°'•**¤>¤¤°¤l¤¤· appointive, may be removed from office for malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office, by the district court, in proceedings initiated u on the com laint of a taxpayer, and in which the officer complained oi, shall have ihll o portunity to, appear and defend himself. _ Sec. 7. That all iicense moneys collected by the clerk of the district U‘°°"‘°°"S° '““‘“· court from any person for any business; tra e, or occupation carried on within the limits of any incorporated town in the district of Alaska pursuant to the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to define and 32*'¤1ég>»v-1*6: V01- punish crimes in the district of Alaska and to provide a code of crimi- ’°` .nal rocedure for said district," approved March third, eighteen hundred) and ninety-nine, and all· Acts or pprts of Acts amendatory thereof, shall by said clerk be paid over to the treasurer of such town, to be used for school and municipal purposes within the town. The clerk R*¤¤iP¤· shall take a receipt for such mone in triplicate, one of which receipts shall be Bled with the Secretary of the Treasury, one with the Attorney- General of the United States, and one shall be retained by the cler .
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