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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/636

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548 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SESs. ll. CHS. 1801-1803. 1904. lands so excluded, which, upon further investigation, he may conclude can not be ractically irrigated in the manner aforesaid. ,1 P'°S°°* Sec. 2. That entrymen under the homestead laws of the United ` States within the territory above described who own and occupy the lands heretofore entered by them, may, under the provisions of this Act and subject to its conditions, enter other lands contiguous to their said homestead entry, which shall not, with the land so already entered, owned, and occupied, exceed in the aggregate six hundred and forty acres; and residence upon the origina omestead shall be accepted as equivalent to 1'€SId€I1CG upon the additional land so entered, but iinal entry shall not be allowe of such additional land until five years after first enterin the same. "°°· Sec. 3. That the fees and commissions on all entries under this Act shall be uniformly the same as those charged under the present law m<><¤¤¤*¤*·¤¤¤¤ Mt for a maximum entry at the minimum price. That the commutaowed. . . . . tion provisions of the homestead law shall not a ply to entries under this Act and at the time of making final proofp the eutryman must prove aiiirmatively that he has placed upon the lands entered perma- _ nent improvements of the value of not less than one dollar and twenty-

 www live cents per acre for each acre included in his entry: Provided, That

` a former homestead entry shall not be a bar to the entry under the provisions of this Act of a tract which, together with the former Ti¤° umm entry, shall not exceed six hundred and forty acres: Hwtded, That any former homestead entryman who shall be entitled to an additional entry under section two of this Act shall have for ninety days after the passage of this Act the preferential right to make additional entry as provided in said section. Approved, April 28, 1904. ` A 11128. 1904· CHAP. 1802.-An Act E blish' a lar rmof ` fd K 1****1 and armani com-ts at iswasbtig, weslildrirg to the Umm Smeg mmm Public, Nc. ZM. ` [ _ 1 Bett enacted by the Senate and House ofRe]>resentat1}ves of the United §’v’§‘,,“’$5,Q,“n"}'i,?§g‘l,‘§°§; States ng America in Congress assembled, That a regular term of the ¤*geg*5°{;ew,¤bm_g United `tates circuit and istrict courts for the southern district of n. s., sm. mz, sat, West Virginia shall be held every year at Lewisburg, West Virginia, pR5§B1gf2gj738_ on the second Tuesday in February. Approved, April 28, 190-L. ·,*,§'*g,2*{;,§%· CHAP. 1808.-An Act To amend section six of ‘ ‘An Act to authorize the construc-

 tion of a bridge by the New York, Chicago and Saint Louis Railroad Company and

[Public. N0- 235] the Chicago and Erie Railroad Company across the Calumet River at or near the city of Hammond, Indiana, at a point about one thousand two hundred feet east of the Indiana and Illinois State line and about one hundred feet east of the location of the present bridge of the New York, Chicago and Saint Louis Railroad Company across said River; also to authorize the construction of a bridge by the Chicago and State Line Railroad Company across said river at the point where said company’s railroad crosses said river in Hyde Park Township, Chicago, Illinois, being at the location of the present bridge of said com ny across said river in said township," approved July first, nineteen hundred audxtwo. , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentattves of the United §§"j‘§‘§,Q*‘§;,c 0 States of rlmerica in Cbngrees assembled, Tm section six of "An Act angissgnglmuu xiiié to authorize the construction of a bridge by the New York, Chicago csmgf ’§{,'I{’ y2?,, and Saint Louis Railroad Com n y and the Chicago and Erie Railroad §g§g";‘},, HQ-,',gggg· Company across the Calumet giver at or near the city of Hammond, mu. ‘Indiana, at a Hpoint about one thousand two hundred feet east of the Indiana and inois State line and about one hundred feet east of the-