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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/637

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FIFTY—E1GHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 1803, 1804. 1904. 549 location of the resent bridge of the New York, Chicago and Saint Louis Railroad Company across said river; also to authorize the con- m$,’f°§_§§’,,.§§,‘§ §f,'§· struction of a bridge by the Chicago and State Line Railroad Company yy briqsei M Gumacross said river at the 'point w ere said company’s railroad crosses vltiié2,pZ<se1,sme¤¤- said river in Hyde Park ownship, Chicago, Illinois, being at the loca- °"· tion of the present bridge of said company across said river in said township/’ approved July- first, nineteen hundred and two, be, and the same IS ereb , amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 6. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction ,,§Q”,,j,‘§,,‘}fd,,f§‘f““““° of thehbridgesdl;ereinJa311tho1ized be pot énoigpletpd within three years from 1: e first y of y, nineteen un re an two. · Approved, April 28, 1904.

   To Ehorize the construction of a bridge across the navi-  

ga ewatemo rews y. L.--- [Public, No. 236.] Be it enacted b_ the Senate and House of.R esentatvhzes of the United r Ws States of Amerzdea in Congress aesemtblef That the Birmingham, mE:1An;; B; Columbus and Saint Andrews Railroad Company, a corporation duly l,,,,,,,,,,"?,,,,, *,5,,,,, created and existing, il hereby gpthorized t=oSbnil;dAan1d ma1]r;téa1n_a éggxzgmuggg railroad bri across e navi a e waters o ain n rews y, in stGrassy rem. ’ W'a.shingto1i1g(§ount , Florida, it or near a gint on the north arm of said bay known as Srassy Point, on North y, the said bridge to be ‘ so constructed as not to interfere with the navigation of sand navigable _ waters. Sm. 2. That any bridge constructed under this Act, shall be_built ,,§,°,$,'$$,§§,Y,V,§{ '° and located under and subject to such regulations for the security of the navigation of said navigable waters as_ the Secretary of _War shall prescribe; and to secure that ob]ect the_sa1d company shall submit to the Secretary of Wa1·, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing of the proposed bridge and a map of the ocation, giving, for the space of at least one·half mile above and one-half mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the arm of the bay, the shore lines at hi h and low water, and the direction and strength of the current and tghe soundings accurately showing the bed otthe stream, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the sub]ect; and until sand plan and location of the bridge are approved by the Secretary of War Ch the bridge shall not be built; and should any change be made in the °“¥°‘· plan of said bridgle during the progress of constructionfor after its eomplgtmyn such c ange shall be subyect to the approval o the Secretar o ar. Size. 3. That the bridge constructed under this Act shall be a lawful ,,,’,g“;f,,'}*,,,,,§‘,§{"‘°*“’° structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which no higher charge shal be made for the transportation over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for transportation of said mails, troops, and munitions over_the railroads and public highways leading to said lbridge; arlrd the Unrtgdb shall havp the rqght of vgy fo; r,g`h<;;fs¢¤Ph· °°<=-· sta te e ra across said fl e· an e ua rxvi egcs in e us gfpgaid bridge zgnall be granted tc? all telegtiaph and telephone comy panies; and said structure shall be so kept and managed at all times as to atford reasonable and proper means for the passage of vessels through or under said bridge, and for the safety o vessels passing at night there shall be displayed on said bridge, from sunset tosunrise, L_ h at the expense of the owners thereof, such lights and other signals as lg ¤‘· °“‘· mav be prescribed by the Light—l·House Board; and the said bridge shall be changed or altered at the cost and expense of the owners