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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/638

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550 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Cris. 1804-1806. 1904. thereof from time to time, as the Secretary of War may direct, so as - to reserve the free and convenient navigation of said river. Use by other roads. Sino. 4. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridge . shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to e passage of railway trains over the same, and the approaches thereto, upon payment of a reaspnable comdpensfation for sighil fe, or, in page lpf disaggeement, u nsuc termsan con itions as s e prescribe y the cretary oix) War upon hearing the allegations and proofs of the rties in interest. mf]¤¤¢ of ¤<>¤=¤’¤¤· WSec. 5. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of ` the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the approval of this Act.

  • "*°"“"'°“'~ Sec. That tp; right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

. express y reserv . _ Approved, April 28, 1904. ¤. 19% CHAP. 1805.-An Act Ihtablishi a term of the United States circuit

 and district courts at Em Saint muiauilnnrgighr ·

lic, No. 57. [Pub Sam 1 - SenateandHm.we0fRep¢·esentatv}ves of the United nuuee, mmm States 0_fAmerica em. Congress assembled, That hereafter and until

,,,1,,,, Sm, otherwise provided by law there shall be held annually on the first

Mw- Monday in November a term of the circuit and district courts of the ‘°°“* p" *5* · United States for the southern district of Illinois at the city of East Saint Louis, in said district; said term to be in addition to the terms now required by law to be held at the cities of Springfield, Cairo, Quincy, and Danville, in said district. dmvmmmdmd Sec. 2. That the marshal and clerk of said district shall each, ` respectively, aplpoint at least one deputy to reside in said city of East _ Saint Louis, un ess he shall reside there himself, and also maintain an _ office at that place of holding court. S’°°"l “’""" Sec. 3. That the judge of the United States circuit or district court for said district may, by order, from time to time appoint and hold additional special tenns of said court in said district, for the disposal of the unfinished business thereof, whenever the interest of the public and the condition of the docket shall so require. Approved, April 28, 1904. Am! CHAP. 1806.-An Act In relation to pharmacy in the Indian Territory. [mmm, xs. ass.} Be it enacted by the Senate and 1I0u.se ofRe esentativeu of the United Indm Territory_ States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, Tliht it shall hereafter be diggmered pim-me- unlawful for any person other than a registered pharmacist or assist- Lie of drug;. mq ant pharmacist, as hereinafter defined, to retail, compound, or dispense }’g’,f"”°”°h*”·°¤'*”‘ drugs, medicines, and pharmacal preparations in the Indian Territory as at present compounded and refined, unless such person shall be a registered pharmacist as this Act provides, or shall place in charge of sqid pharmgcyl, store, or shop a registered pharmacist, except as hereina ter provide . c,£§**°°'°d Ph¤¤¤°· Src. 2. That " registered pharmacists " shall comprise all persons Q¤¤1m¤m¤¤¤. regularly engaged as such in the Indian Territory at the time of the passage of this Act, and all persons over twenty one years of age, having three years’ practical experience in compounding and dispensing physicianszrprescriptions, who shall pass n satisfactorv examination before the erritorial board of pharmacy herein provided for. Graduates in pharmacy who have obtained diplomas from such colleges and