FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 7-10. 1904. i 583 institutions of learning in the United States during said year: Pro- *""”’"°· vided, That a subsistence char e of one dollar per day for each day S“b°l¤°°¤°° <>h¤*¤°· on such vessel shall be collected from each of such persons so transported;. and that the Government of the United States shall not be_ iable for, and shall not defray, the expenses of said teachers and attendants, or of any such of them, incurred while in the United States. Approved, February 12, 1904. [No. 8.] Joint Resolution Providin for the editions to be printed of the annual F°b'“*“'Y “· 1**- and special reports of the Librarian of Dongress. · [S" J' R' 37*] [Pub. Res., No. 8. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 1 States of America in Congress assembled, That of the annual and Lg’”'*¤¤ of C°¤· special reports of the Librarian of Congress hereafter submitted to grimhuug of www Congress, but including the report for nineteen hundred and three, °"1°'°d' ' there be printed and bound in cloth Eve thousand copies for the use i of the Library of Congress. Approved, February 24, 1904. ' _ [No. 9.] Joint Resolution Amendixgs public resolution numbered eight, Fifty- lima', 1; sixth Congrem, second session, approv ebruary twenty-third, nineteen hundred and one, "providing for the printing annually of the report on field operations of [P¤b- RH-- Nv-9-] the Division of Soils, Department of Agriculture." · Resolved by the Senate and House of R eeentatoves of the United States of America in Oonqrese assembled, Kat public resolution num- m,l{g,P,g“m°“‘°‘*¥“‘ bered eight, Fifty-sixth Longress, second session, approved February Division of Soils. twenty-diird, nineteen hundred and one, be amended) by striking out g§1,`:.,,YP°"°°°°' I" all after the resolving clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “l;’,}h€d$r P- 1*2- That there shall be printed ten thousand five hundred copies of the Numbeiofccpiesw report on field operations of the Division of Soils, Department of Agri- b° *”""°d' culture. of which one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, three thousand copies for the use of the- House of Representatives, and six thousand copies for the use of the Depart- HW, ment of Agriculture: Provided, That in addition to the number of Aevagiéesueea. copies above provided for there shall be printed, as soon as the manuscript can be prepared, with the necessary maps and illustrations to accompany it, a report on each area survxged, in the form of advance sheets, bound in paper covers, of which ve hundred copies shall be D*’"“’“”‘?“· for the use of each Senator from the State, two thousand copies for the use of each Representative for the Congressional district or districts in which the survey is made, and one thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture. _ Approved, March 14, 1904. · [No. 10. Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to use nve March 11. l90¢· thousand dollars of the amounts ropriated by the Act approved February eight- eenth, nineteen hundred and four llgublic Numbered Twenty-two), for cleriml work [Pub. Res., Nc. 10.] and labor connected with the sale and leasing of Creek lands and the leasing of Cherokee lands in Indian Territory. Resolved by the Senate and House 0{ Rebresentatifees of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assem led, That the Secretary of the {,g§;;g,};$;Q;Q,jg?cu, Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to use the sum of five thou- gmxé; in si¤1e.le:c.k¤r sand dollars of the amount appropriated "for the purpose of placing l,,"§§,_ ‘“‘ ° °'° °° allottees in unrestricted possession of their allotments. fifteen thousan
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