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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/672

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584 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rss. 10-12. 1904. A""- P-"- dollars,” by the Act entitled “An Act malring appropriations to supplyprgpncy deficiencies 111 the appropriations for the fiscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, and for plrior years, and for other purlppsesf approved February eighteent , nineteen hundred and four( bl1c Numbered Twenty-two), in the payment for clerical work and labor connected with the sale and leasing of Creek lands and the leasing of Cherokee lands in the Indian Territory. Approved, March 17, 1904. — Much 2$·19°*· N0. 11. J in lunAuthorith re rin' ofn [S'; R' S3'] sohi by thd suptbdhtlbhdentlbf documedtgg 8 P mug enum docums ts to be [Pub. es., No. 11.] ' _ Rewbved by t/ae Senate and House of]? resentatvffves of the United ,,§“&",,‘§{,f""‘°'E'°"° States of America in Cbngreaa assembled, 'lighat there shall be printed ci5¤r¥g;%¤r2¤;¤n of me- three thousand copies of the Special Report on Diseases of the Horse Revenue; drdered and fifteen hundred copies of the Special Report on the Diseases of A Cattle, for by the superintendent ot documents under the pro- V<>¤- »1>- ¤<>· visions of section sixty-one of an Act providing for therpublic printing, bindmg, and the distribution of documents, approved anuary twelft , eighteen hundred and ninety-ive; and the superintendent of documents is'hereby authorized to order reprinted, from time to time, such pubpp dpcumlentstatsomaly be requiiiedfdjrilsalseé such order ltordreprinfing esuec ea rovao e creta or eaote _ Department id which suchplpublic document shall-yhave originated: §°',§,,"{,°,g,,,,,,,,,,_ Hmded, That the appropriation for printing and binding shall be reimbursed for the cost of such reprints from the moneys received by the superintendent of documents from the sale of public documents. Approved, March 28, 1904. Much 28- 19% No. 12. Joint Resolution auSecretary‘ _ extra editibnof the map ot th1d°UnHt:d0nS€am for ninetegri EES lP¤¤· Re- M 12-1 makin: tbmpmmmn for maps made in the Am of April seventeenth, nineteen hundred, of h third, nineteen hundred and one, available for that purpose. Resobved by the Senate and House of R eaentatiees 0 the United Sfg °‘ “*° UNM States of AmerzQea_in Gmgress aasembZed,_TliZt the unezgpeiided balance dp_¤s¤-;re;p:%»ne1,er- of the appropriations made for the United States an other ma s in _ r;,,1_;,]_,p_m_,m_ the Acts of April seventeenth, nineteen hundred, and March third, },gkf,fé}j;,jj,“· M_ nineteen hundred and one, respectively, which were made available ences available. for expenditure during the iiscal year nineteen hundred and three. in the dehcnencfy Act of July lirst, nineteen hundred and two, be. and the same is ereby, made available for expenditure during the iiscal years nineteen hundred and tour and nineteen hundred and live, and the Secretary of the interior is authorized to use the same in the printing of a further edition of the map of the United States, nineteen hundred and four, for delivery to the Senate and House of Represent- Am, R a0_ atives. The appropriation of four thousand three hundred and twenty grmpnnng for cen. dollars, made in the deficiency Act approved February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and four, for mounting with rollers the United Statesmaps of the consolidated issue of nineteen hundred and one and nineteen hundred and two, be, and the same is hereby, made available for the mounting with rollers of the maps of the United Stages of ntpeteen hundred and four hereinbefore authorized. pprove , March 28, 1904.