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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/674

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586 FIFTY-EIGHTH conosress. sm. 11. nas. 16-18. im. sand copies, of which four hundred shall be for the use of the Senate, six hundred for the use of the House of Representatives, and three thousand for the use of the Department of Agriculture. Approved, April 1, 1904. April 5, 1904. [N o. 17.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to receive for instruc- [S· J· R· 3*] tion at the Military Academy at West Point Alfonso Zelaya, of Nicaragua. Pub. Res., No. 17. [ ] Resolved by the Senate a/nd [buse of Re esentatives of the United fgggg *}'é}Q°”*Y·, States of America in O ress assembled, Tbzt the Secretary of War _ YB, O . a . . Nicaragua, to be an- be, and he IS hereby, aO1it€hor1zed to rmit Alfonso Zelaya, of Nica- "“°°“° `“‘ ragua, to receive instruction at the lidigitary Academy at West Point: mmm. Provided, That no e use shall be caused to the United States gf,’,§,‘f§§’§g,v,cB_ thereby: And providedp_i‘l’arther, That in the case of the said Alfonso pF&,$·» ¤°°¤·1“»m1» Zelaya the provisions of sections thirteen hundred and twenty and `thirteen hundred and twenty-one of the Revised Statutes shall be suspended. — Approved, April 5, 1904. _ APA} 8»19°*· [No. 18.] Joint Resolution Requesting the President of the United States to

 negotiate and, if possible, conclude negotiations with the Government of Great Britain

[Pub. Res., No. 18.] for a review and revision of the rules and regulations which now govern the taking pfripr seals in the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, and so O . Resohned by the Senate and House of R esentatives of the United $Qfi',§‘g{,*‘g}‘°“,§,a_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and tions of. pmposxgi. he is hereby, requested to negotiate and, if possible, conclude negotia- V°]' A M" 52’ 1m' tions with the Government of Great Britain for a review and revision of the rules and regulations which now govern the taking of fur seals in the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering bea, pursuant to the treaty articles of the award of the Bering Sea Tribunal of Arbitration, made at Paris, August sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety- three; said review to determine what revision of these rules and regulations shall be made, if any can be devised and a ed upon, which wi l restore and preserve the fur~seal industry upon m Seal Islands of Alaska and abate the killing of nursing mother seals on the high seas, _ now permitted and conducted. R§Q,°§§{¥‘}’},Q{§‘,}f,}Qf‘” Sec. 2. That the President be, and he is hereby, re uested to negotiate and, if ssihle, conclude negotiations with the tqiovernments of Russia and Jiiiian and other maritime nations to the end of securing their adherence to and a common a reement with the terms of any satisfactory revision of the rules am? regulations specified in sectioh one of this Resolution which may be agreed upon by the Governments of Great Britain and the United States. APP1‘<>P*'*¤*i¤¤· Sec. 3. That all expenses incident to said review, investigation, acquisition of authentic data, and the pre aration of expert reports of the case of the United States, ordered and) approved by the President, shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury, out of any moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, and which amounts are hereby appropriated. Approved, April S, 1904.