FIFTY-EIGHTH ooneiucss. sm. 11. RES. 13-16. 1904. 585 [No. 13.] Joint Besolution For the printing of five thousand copies, with accom- Much 28. 1904. pimying maps and illustrations, of the report of the governor of New Mexico to the [H· J· R· lm] retary of the Interior for the year ending June thrrtieth, nineteen hundred and [Pub. Res., No. 13.] three, and the printing of one thousand copies of the latest map of said Territory. 'Resolved by tlte Senate and House of R esentattves of the United States of America in Oonyress assembled, eThat there be printed five New Mexico. thousand copies of the report of the governor of the Territory of New e325g °f me K"` Mexico, wrt_ accomppnying maps and illustrations, to the Secretary mum? °'d°’°**- of the Interior for the {ear en ingslune thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, five hundred thereof for the use of the Delegate in Congress and four thousand five hundred thereof for the use of the said governor, and also that there be printed one thousand copies of the latest Mapmap of the Territory of New Mexico for the use of the Delegate in Congress from said erritory. Approved, March 28, 1904. [1No. 14.] Joint Resolution Providing that the bulletins of the Bureau of American nga"} gb Et nology be printed in octavo. [Pub. Res., No. 14,] Resobved by the Senate and House of R esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, mt hereafter the bulletins E§,‘,§{§““ ‘{‘A“’°"i°““ issued by the Bureau of American Ethnology shall be in octavo size `_{¤£§_¤i¤ of. w be instead of royal ochvo. P dia. zs, p?%isl°' Approved, March 29, 1904. . . oint Resolution Pro` I r thti n of the e N¤<=h31.1904- Bolilild) ei? biaiiagers and Inspcctorgudinghei) Nationraillbgcding for llltlaleuiitbeer [HJ Km] Soldiers for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three. [Pub. Res., Nc. 15.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Ryresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be printed D£*,§§gg°l,(f{‘;'f,{gg; of the re ort of the Board of Mana ers of the National Home for Soldiers. Disabled llolunteer Soldiers for the tical year ending June thirtieth, M,l{§E§§{.Z_°f B°'"d °f nineteen hundred and three, in addition to the usual number for the mgQ,fg{*gQ,*Q,§,;’P*°” use of the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, five hun- ` dred copies of the report proper, bound in cloth; two hundred copies of the re rt of the inspection of the State Homes, bound in paper, and two hiindred co ies of the record of members, bound in cloth; and that hereafter the additional number of copies herein named of future annual re rts of the Board of Mana ers of the National Home for Disabled Volliiiiteer Soldiers, bound in tie same manner as above described, shall be printed for the use of the National Homes. Approved, March 31, 1904. [No. 16.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the printing of additional copies of Agri- Agfgl li 1;*4- cultural Bulletin Numbered One hundred and twenty-four, being a report on imgation in Utah, [Pub. Res., So. 16.] Resobved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Omzgressassembled, That there shall be printed from },f‘,@’}§;°‘j,, ,uvw,_ the stereotype plates of the Re rt of Irrigation Investigation in Utah, segenég Ugg-M under the direction of Edwardilllead, chief of irrigation investigation, u g° 8 ` Otlice of Experiment Stations, Department of Agriculture, four thon-
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