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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/676

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588 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rss. 22-24. 1904. AP¤il1$·1904· [No. 22. Joint Resolution Providing for the extension of the time for the L AH' J' R‘ H6'] removal of] the temporary dam and construction of locks in Bayou Iafourche, State [Pub. Res., No. 22.] of Bayou moumne, Resolved by tbe Senate and [hose of Rripresentatives of the Matted uhm, exwnded fo, SlatesXfAmeriea in Cimgress assembled, at the limit of time fixed {;¤¤<>v¤l¤* <*¤¤»°'·¤·· by an ct entitled "An Act making appropriations for the construcvm. se, p. svs. tion, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors and for other urposes," approved June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two, for the removal oi) a temporary dam and construetionof locks in Bayou Lafourche, State of Louisiana, be, and the same is hereby, extended for an additional period ot three years, to be computed from and after the expiration of the time fixed in said Act. Approved, April 13, 1904. . _ Aprlllo, mu. [No. 23.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the issue of duplicate medals where the S- -7- K 9-] originals have been lost or destroyed. [mm. aa., No. n] , , Resolved by the Senate and House of R?·resent<ztwes of the United roameasis States of AmervIca in Con ress assembled, That in any case where the ,z£‘*{*§°};ue‘$*`f;,°,{j President of the United gtates has heretofore, under any Act or resomee or. lution of Congress, caused any medal to be made and presented to any _ officer or person_in the United States on account of distinguished or meritornous services, on a proper showingamade by such person to the satisfaction of the President that such me l has been lost or destroyed through no fault of the beneficiary, and that diligent search has been made therefor, the President is hereb authorized to cause to be preom. pared and delivered to such person a dshplicate of such medal, the cost of which shaU be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. . Approved, April 15, 1904. 5%*1118- 1904- [No. 24.] Joint Resolution For the acceptance of a statue of General Thaddeus _,_l_ gf? {‘·]_ _, Kosciuszko, to be presented to the United States by the Polish-American citizens. Pub. Res., No. :1. [ 1 Resolved by t/w Senate and House of Re reseaatatzws of the lvntted _oe-¤.rn¤·1.1e¤· ns- States af America in Clmgress assembled, That the offer of a statue of "'Ll`$lL([;,,. of Genera Thaddeus Kosciuszko, to be erected on one of the corners of ’§2f,'}.§}f{§Q‘f.,'?`,Qf,‘,§°fl,'{f: L¤f¤)’8U·€ Square, in the city Of llrasbington, District of Columbia, by zemi. and at the expense of the Polish-American organizations and of the Polish-American people of the United States enerally, as an expression of their loyal? and devotion to their adopted country, for the liberties of which osciuszko so nobly fought, which offer has been made through Theodore M. Helinski, president of the central committee of the Polish—American organizations of the United States be,

im w and the same hereby is, accepted: Provided, That the selection of the

pm., m.,.,,., ,,,.,1 q11K site on Lafayette square, the approval of the statue offered, and the manner of its erection shall be under the control and direction of a commission, consisting of the Secretary of War and the chairmen of the Committees on the Library of the Senate and House of Repre—‘ sentatives of the F ifty-eighth Congress. Approved, April 18, 1904.