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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/677

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F1FTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ras. 25,27,28. 1904. 589 [No.2?.]J'tR1t' As. h " q *· ‘ ‘ r . settlers oi; the(pii1blic?hi)nldsT):i1nd td0pti·o(i·1“l:ixe0i]di·lt)h1e phyggnltdffddrigfnridhif (iiuigidstd llg·i}·1&· t23i11g;, glédltcgmlppstppdpgmdog entries of public lands," approved June six-  ? Resolved by the Senate and H0u,se 0 Re esentatives 0 th U "t d Publi" md-s' V States of America in Oorrgress assemblid, fitat the provisionsgof/girl n ;g@‘i Act for the relief of certain settlers on the public lands, and to provide \*¤1.z1?‘;`2s1. tor the payment of certain fees, purchase money, and commission paid on void entries_ of public lands,’ approved June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty shall be construed to abolish the necessity for proof of loyalty in the cases mentioned in said Act, and no proof of oyalty shall be required rn the cases mentioned in said Act. Approved, April 18, 1904. [No. 27.] Joint Resolution To authorize the lowering of the height of the Govern- APFU 2L 19% ment dams in the Illinois River at Kampsville and Lagrange. [H J· R· 85] _ Resolved by tlae Senate and House of R'gesentatives of the United [Pub. mi, Nom'] {States of America an assemlz ed, at the Secretary of War Illinois River, Ill. rs herebfy authorized, IDdiscretion, with the concurrence of the m1;§§'f,1{g°§;°§‘§i§{$;'§§$jl Chief o Engineers, to permit the sanitary district of Chicago, at the Qggggtw 50;*1;*60*; expense of sand corporation, to lower the height of the Government Kampsvlue ami Iladams m the Illinois Rrver at Kampsville an Lagrange, Illinois, in ""”‘°‘ y

 with such plans as he may prescribe and subject to such

st1pu1atrons_and conditions as, in his judgment, may be necessary to protect the interests of the United States. ` Approved, April 21, 1904. `V.2S. J`tResolti Ath" thLibfthL`b fOogress - mléeiwlo ¤‘1L”g0vemXr3?tt‘é SEEK? véZmmI£“E.‘“?€€0rd Sr 18E”$S’&$’ of Jémt. --—- —— conventions held in Vermont in the years seventeen hundred and seventy-six and seventeen hundred and seventy-seven for the purpose of organizing a State.’' Whereas there is in the Library of Congress a manuscript record or P¢¤•·¤1b\¤. records of certain conventions in Vermont held in the years seventeen hundred and seventy-six and seventeen hundred and seyenty-seven for the purpose of organizing a State and adopting a constitution; ll hereas said record or records constitute a document of primary importance to the historéy of the State of Vermont, and may therefore more properly be consi ered of State rather than of national interest; and its location in Vermont may best serve the interests of the State; and ‘ Whereas said record or records have been accuratxéy photographed and reproduced in fac simile, without expense to the overnment, and will in this form be available for use rn the Library of Congress: Therefore Resolved by the Senate and House ofR'ei€re·sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Librarian of said yp;-mquc. f C0 Library of Congress be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to g,,,,}, "‘§§‘§’§“,?,,, ce'; deliver said record or records to the %overnor of Vermont, the same §;g¤0r*g;j°*d¤ *0 80*- to be deposited in the archives of said tate. Approved, April 22, 1904.