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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/679

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ras. 32-35. 1904. 591 Sec. 2. That the Joint Committee on the Library are hereby in- ,0¢¤{’”;”¤°m°’}‘§ t?°' structed to make arrangements for the formal presentation of said 'ft Maid. PWM a wu to_ Congress on a day to be hereafter fixed by said committee, and tdiat said committee shal cause said bust to be placed in an appropriate and conspicuous place in the Capitol Building. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of State be directed to transmit a co y ,,§f{’,§,g’,Q‘j}!',;*’°°°’“· of this joint resolution to the donors, through the Government of the ` French Republic. Approved, April 28, 1904. [No. 33.] Joint Resolution Directing the Secretary of the Interior to institute an AvTil28.1‘-*04- investigation relative to the use of the waters of the Colorado River for irrigation, and lS· J · R· "·] to report to Congress thereon. _ [Pub. Res., No. 82.] Resolved by the Senate and House of R esentatifves of the United States of America in Congress assembtediqhat the Secretary of the ?°lQ'°·*lQ Ri*;¤2¤‘· f Interior is hereby directed to institute an investigation of and report qdtrtlseihlidl igrigg. to the Con ress on the various questions involved in connection with “°Q}‘0{f‘g‘}"§f"3é8_ A the use of gis waters of the lower Colorado River for the irrigation of i arid lands in the State of California and the Territory of Arizona with the view of determining the extent to which the waters of the said stream may be made available for the said purpose through works under the national irrigation Act and by private enterprise, and as to what legislation, if any, is neeessaiéy to grant or confirm to present and future appropriators and users ereof perpetual rights to the use of said waters for irrigation. Approved, April 28, 1904. [N0. 34.] Joint Resolution Amending an Act entitled "An Act t0_ regulate the Apri128,1904. immigration of aliens into the United States/’ approved March third, nineteen [-J-B-7%] hundred and three. —- X` __ [rub. nes., No. az.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Rpcesmtatives of the United "" States 43; Amemza in Ozmgreas mm led, at the words "Secretury a,}g;_¤;}·*¤*¤**°¤ °* of the reasury," wherever used in the Act entitled "An Act to reg- ·-sammy ts rc.": ulate the immigration of aliens into the United States," approved ;Q‘§{,‘,§§’}j,,‘:Q,,‘f,‘Q.‘,0fjf,, March third, nineteen hundred and three, or in amendments thereto, ¤fg¤mjfr;;·¤;r·;213 or in prior Acts in relation to alien imm1g)ration, be stricken out, and amended.' the words “Secretary of Commerce and La or " inserted in lieu thereof. Approved, April 28, 1904. ‘Providin for the transfer of certain milita rolls and A fil W WM- mtdigidm t§’é“f¤If.*£%l“S23 one Degartments to the we ¤.p.m..P' he Senate and House o R esentatives of the United

 in Oirmgress asaembllefd, That the military rolls and ggggizagméggm

records of the Indian wars or any other wars prior to the c1v1l war, mmm-y rolls,etc.,t0. now preserved in the Interior or other Departments, be transferred to the War Department, to be (preserved in the Recordvand FGDSIOD Otlice of that epartment, an that they shall be properly indexed and arranged for use. Approved, April 28, 1904.