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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/678

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590 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rns. 29-32. 1904. ?fil27,1904· [No. 29.] Joint Resolution Providing for printing annually the Report of the [ · 1* R‘1°3·] Director of the Ofhce of Experiment Stations, Department of Agriculture. _ b. Res., No. 28. [Pu 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatines of the United pa’}g,{Q,f,f‘1’“'“ D°' States of America in Congress assembled, 'llziit there be printed eight Rewrr of Dgvcwr thousand copies of the Report of the Director of the Office of Experi- `$£¤iii$s¤ii€€§u3mTEx` ment Stations, prepared under the supervision of the Secretary of °“*°'°"P’““°"· Agriculture, on the work and expenditures of that office and of the · a ricultural ex riment stations established in the several States and V°‘· “· ’·’“°· Tlgnrritories undldi the Act of Congress of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, for nineteen hundred and three, of which one thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate, two thousand copies for the use of the House of Re resentatives, and five thousand copies ¤¤¤¤1 www- for the use of the Department oi) Agriculture; and that annually hereaftera similar report shall be prepared and printed, the edition to be the same as for the report herein provided. Approved, April 27, 1904. . A fi!??, 19% No. 30. Joint lution Provifor the rinof Senate Document Num- [s‘J‘R‘°7‘] , beied Twd h d forty, to the llieetguugar industry in the United , [rub. Re¤.,N0.9.] States. I ‘ Resolved by the Senate and House ol;`dR¥resentatives of the United ofggtgyéiggg States of America in Congress asseml , hat there be printed one rgpecm report oh, hundre and ten thousand copies of Senate Document Numbered Two ° md *"""“· hundred and forty, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, being a special report on the beet-sugar industry in the United States, ten thousand co ies for the use of the Senate, twenty thousand co ies for the use of ge House of Representatives, and sixty thousand) copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture. Approved, April 27, 1904. A&1:|}%1:¤;4· [No: 31.] Joint Resolution To authorise the Secretary of the Nayy to donate to

 the Mmnesota Historical Society the steering wheel of the former ship Minnesota.

_ Resolved by the Senate and House 2QR esentatilves of the~United ,c}{‘§§c‘{§°,Q,f m"°" States of America in Congress assem , eigiat the Secretar of the Olgrepgljprsneybltgg} dg Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and em wered to dyonate to umdm. the State Historical Society of the State of Mlignesota the steering wheel of the old vessel Minnesota, said wheel being now at the navy- yard at Boston, Massachusetts. Approved, April 28, 1904. apni 2s, 1904. [No. 32.] Joint Resolution Accepting a reproduction of the bust of Washington ____}{ff;_??j__ from certam citizens of the Republic of France, and tendering the thanks of Congress [run. ne-,. xo. 31.] to the donors therefor.

  • "°'""*"°· Whereas Count de Bochambeau, Marquis de Lafayette, Marquis de

Grasse Mr. Henry Jouin, and other citizens of France, have tendered to the Covernment of the United States a reproduction of the bust of VVashington by David d’Angers which wasdestroyed in the fire at the Capitol in 1851, to be placed in the Capitol of the United States: ThRm;lzi;d l /1 S d es y the senate an House of Resentatlves c t/ae Cmited §‘§,'(§§{,Y,{§,”j‘g€°f,‘}; States of America in Congress assem`€·led%hat said gé is hereby $::1; f¤y;•;¤c:i¤ ciri- accep in the name of the People of the United States, and the thanks ` of Congress are tendered to the donors therefor.