FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 23. 1905. _ 60] to falsely and fraudulently hold himself out as, or represent or retend ‘ himself to be, a member of, or an agent for, the American Nlational Red Cross, for the purpose of soliciting, collecting, or receiving money or material; or for any person to wear or display the sign of the Red Cross, or any insignia colored in imitation thereof for the fraudulent purpose of inducing the belief that he is a member of, or an agent for, the American National Red Cross. Nor shall it be lawful for any person or corporation, other than the Red Cross of America, not now awfully entitled to use the sign of the Red Cross hereafter to use such sign or any insignia colored in imitation thereof for the purposes of trade or as an advertisement to induce the sale of any article whatsoever. _ lf any person violates the provisions of this section, he shall *’°““"Y- be guilty of a misdemeanor and sha be liable to a fine of not less than one nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both, for each and every offense. The fine so collected shall be paid to the American National Red Cross. _ Sec. 5. That the governing body of the said American National Red °°"'”'“‘°°"'“"“*°°· Cross shall consist, in the iirst instance, of a central committee numbering eighteen persons, to be appointed in the manner following, name : Six by the incorporators herein named and twelve by the Presidsent of the United States, one of whom shall be desi nated by the President to act as chairman. It shall be the dut of the central D¤*i¤¤· committee to organize with as little delay as lpossible State and Territorial societies, mcluding the District o Co umbia, under such rules as the said committee may prescribe. When six or more State or Territorial societies have been formed, thereafter the central committee shall be composed as follows: Six to be appointed by the incorporators, six by the representatives of the State and Territorial societies at the annual meetin of the incorporators and societies, and six by the President of the Suited States, one of whom shall be designated by him as chairman and one each to be named by him from the Departments of State, War, Navy, Treasury, and Justice. The first six members o the central committee elected by the incor- b£¤¤¤<>¤ of mmporators at the first annual meeting, and the first six members of the ` central committee elected by the State and Territorial delegates, shall when elected select by lot from their number two members to serve one year, two members to serve two years, and two members to serve three years, and each subsequent election of members shall be for a period of three years or until their successors are duly elected and ualify. The six members of the central committee appointed by the President at the annual meeting shall serve for one year. The President shall fill as soon as may be any vacancy that may V¤<>¤¤¤i¤·- occur by death, resignation, or otherwise in the chairmanship or in the membership of the central committee appointed by him. And any vacancy that may occur in the six members of the central committee herein provided to be appointed by the incorporators or in the six to be appointed by the representatives of the State societies shall be ‘ filled by temporary appointments to be made by the remaining members of the six in wlldch the vacancy or vacancies may occur, such appointees to serve until the next annual meeting. The central committee shall have power to appoint from its own m1§¤¤·=¤¤*·> <=¤¤¤¤¤*· members an executive committee of seven persons, five of whom shall be a quorum, who, when the central committee is not in session, shall have and exercise all the powers of the central committee. The Secretary of War shall within thirty days after the passage of M*¤¤8¤ this Act call a meeting at a time and place to be designated by him in the city of Washington of the incorporators hereunder, giving at least thirty days’ notice thereof in one or more newspapers, and the annual meeting of said incorporators, their associates and successors, shall thereafter be held in said city on the first Tuesday after the first Mon-
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