602 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 23, 24. 1905. ’ day in December, the first of said meetings to be held in December, Q¤<>r¤m- nineteen hundred and liye. ‘ Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum at any annual or specia meeting. ugginzbvpwwfer Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at any meeting of the incor- °°' porators, annual or special nor at any meeting of State or Territorial societies organized under the provisions of this charter. Reports- Sec. 6. That the said American National Red Cross shall on the first day of January of each year make and transmit to the Secretary of Wara report of its proceedings for the preceding year, including a full, complete, and itemized report of receipts and expenditures of whatever kind, which report shall be duly au ited by the War Departmlenpv and a copy of said report shall be transmitted to Congress by t e ar De rtment. ·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢~ Sec. 7. Txt Congress shall have the right to repeal, alter, or amend . this Act at any time. _ _ Approved, January 5, 1905. m _ GKALS4.-AnAct ’ a 'ti to 1 tdn‘ " - JW?!? tain appropriations for yI;ldi0d)nrlddn;?IBmeStl§1?i,t1}dfh,lgr`lihemienmhl11(r?d•;dd1 mane, ne. aq five. md for other PUYPOBW- Beét enacted by the Senate and House of Representatv}ves of the United .pg¤‘8°¤P ,*}g:°¤¤*°¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, I and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in certain appro- ‘ prrations for the fiscal year nineteen undred and five, and for other purposes, namely: rggrnauw. LEGISLATIVE. mlfggeevfmvmwnt HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. p 'romm; mamma. For wrapping paper, pasteboard, paste, twine, newspaper wrappers, and other necessary materials for folding, for the use of members of the Hpuse, an;} {or use ip the Clerk’s office and (tihe House folding room not inc u in enve o , writin paper an other paper an materials to be priirted anclwfdrrnishef by the; Public Printer, upon von. as, am. requisitions from the Clerk of the House, under the provisions of the Act approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninetydive, for the public printing and binding), t ree thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. - MISCELLANEOUS, M¤¤¤¤srr¤ ¤¤¤r¤y- For the payment of the messengers of the res ctive States for coni°g°l°°°°mv°m' veying to the seat of Government the votes olmthe electors of said States for President and Vice-President of the United States, at the rate of twentytive cents for every mile of the estimated distance by the most usua roads traveled from the place of meeting of the electors to the seat of Government of the United States, computed for one » disrtance onlly, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. h tb r§¤bli°¤**¤¤<>*¤*¤¤*- o pa the expenses of printin in compliance wit e require- °vl>iF at$;iZ ments of the Act of February thlrgfd, eighteen hundred and eighty- seven, the certified copies of the Hnal ascertainment of the electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, as transmitted by the executive of each State to the Secretary of State, one thousand tive hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. mgurgmn Depart- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Ponmo BUILDINGS.
Chicago, Illinois, post-office, court-house, and so forth: For
' mechanical devices and equipment for conveying and handling mails, two hundred thousand dollars.