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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/691

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604 F1FTY-E1GHTH GONGRESS. Sess. 111. cus. aa, 35, ss. 1905. ·T¤¤¤¤1§‘ 11- 1906- CHAP. 33.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act jo authorize Wash- [H‘ '(MB'] iugton and Westmoreland counties, in the State of Pennsylvania, in construct and [Public, No. 7.] maintain a bridge across the Monongahela River, in the State of Pennsylvania," approved February twenty-first, nineteen hundred and three. Be it emwted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the Lhéted m¤‘§eg{,g¤¤ ******1** States of America in Congress assembled, That section seven of an Act Tmfe eitendedjor entitled "An Act to authorize Washington and W€Stl]]O1'€i&Hd }§,°",'},’f;°{qv!,'g‘{;i}},“,§ counties, in the State of Pennsylvania, to construct and maintain a ]¤g*;]°°¤§*2**°¤·pP¤-851 bridge across the Mouongahela River, in the State of Pen11sylvania," mmm:. ’’ apgroved February twenty-first, nineteen hundred and three, be, and - is ereby, amended to read as follows: ,i§,1¥“° °f °°"°"°' "Sr10. 7. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from February twenty-first, nineteen hundred and £ve." Approved, January 11, 1905. J•¤unry% MI5. CHAP. 85.-An Act For the construction of a steam revenue cutter adapted to [H- R- l°·] service in the watsm of Albemarle and Pamlico sounds, North Carolina. Public, Nc. 8.] [ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re;€re.sentatwes of the United u€;¥£¥£;;%¤1_;;·K §é States of Amzrwa in Congress assembled, Cl at the Secretary of the mver,1~:.c. Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to construct u m§gQ§§f‘° °““°’ ’·‘“‘ steam revenue cutter of the iirst class adapted to service in the waters of Albemarle and Pamlico sounds and Neuse River, North Carolina, PW- P- N64- at a cost not to exceed the sum of one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Approved, January 12, 1905.

 CHAP. 36.-An Act To build a. bridge across the Ouachita River,  Arkansas.

[Public- N0- 9-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and IIOu.se ofkqresentativea of the United g:¤;g}%*;*ba1}\**&$*r¤;¤,it States of America in Oongresa assembled, That the Inter-Urban Transit Company my mage, Company, u. corporation organized and existing under und by virtue of "‘ °°‘“°°“*A"‘· the laws of the State of Arkansas, be, and it is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain a dmwbrid e across the ()unchita River. in the State of Arkansas, at or near Cuniciim, Arkansas. at n point which may hereafter be selected by said Inter-Urban Transit Company for crossing said river with its line of railway and agreed upon by the Secredtiéggiggef *¤i*W•*>` tary of WYa1·. Said bridge shall be constructed to provide for the

 by other com- gussage of clectric—m1lway cars; and all street railroad companies

p"“'°"‘ esiring the useqf the bridge shall have equal privileges in the passage of trains, or cars, over the same and over the approaches thereto, upon C°'¤P*’“*°*‘°¤· guyment of a reasonable compensation for such usc; and in case of isagrcement in regard to the terms of such usc, or the rates to be paid, the matter at issue shall be decided by the Secretary of \\`a1·. gnQjjQ’°""""°°'* ¤°"*‘ Sec. 2. That the bridge herein authorized to be constructed shall be ‘ s0 kept and managed by the company owning or operatin the same as to afford proper ways and means for the passage througg or under L*g'“~"· °*°· it of vessels, barges, or rafts at all times, both by day and by night; and there shall be dis layed on said brid e by the owners thereof from sunset to sunrise sucg lights and signai as the Light-House Board Qfgffgmce with shall prescribe: P1·0e·z`0Zed, That the erection of such bridge as hg;-gin

 bridges pm authorized shall not be permitted to interfere with any bridge or

structure now maintained across said river.