F IFTY—E.lGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 24, 32. 1905. 603 WAR DEPARTMENT. l WM D¤v¤¤*t¤¤¤¤¢- wasumerox MONUMENT. mg,”{°m"“*°“ M°°“‘ For the purchase of new hoisting cables and counterweight cables m°“*°’°°b1°¤·¤*°· for the elevator in the Washington Monument, two thousand five hundred dollars. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ‘m£:t¢eri¤r Depart · runmo nU1LmNes. Public buildiuss- _ For completing the acquisition of a site for and toward the construe- . ¤¤¤¤•~¤ <>¤¤= wildtion of a hre-proof building for committee rooms, folding rooms, and mg` other offces or the United States Senate, and for necessary office rooms for Senators, to_be erected on square numbered six hundred and eightv-six, in Washington, District of Columbia, authorized by the 4****- l>· *81- Sundry CIVII Act approved April twenty-eighth, ninteen hundred and four, ten thousand five hundred dollars. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. · Geological Survey. _ For the continuationof the analyzing and testing of the coals and T°'““¤' *“°*°· °*°- ligmtes of the United States, in order to determine their fuel values gf} 1*%% 412- and most economic method for their utilization for diiferent purposes, 'p` ` and for the purchase or rental of such additional e uipmeut as is necessary for the proper conduct of the work, under die supervision of the Director of the United States Geological Survey, twentyfdve thousand dollars, to be available until expen ed. I POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. m§§?`°m¤e Deput- Oilice of the [purchasing agent: For salary of the purchasing agent, Purchasing agent. four thousand ollars. For salary of chief clerk, office of purchasing agent, at the rate of Chiefclerk. two thousand dollars per annum from January first to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, inclusive, one thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. cu’ff\{;‘;f‘“’°“’°*A€'*· For rent of office quarters for the various divisions of the Bureau "§},*f”‘ *"**¤¤*¤‘ B¤· of Plant Industry, two thousand five hundred dollars. Rent. Approved, January 5, 1905. CHAP. 32.-An Act To amend an Act approved April twenty-sixth, nineteen January; 1006. hundred and four, entitled "An Act to enable the Secretary of War to permit the {H·R·1°i*9°·} erection oi a lock and dam in aid of navigation in the Tennessee ‘ver near [p¤;,uc_N,,_6_] Chattanooga, Tennessee, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House cflfepresentatifves of Me United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of Congress T_ff;;¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ River. approved April twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and four, entitled cmiameuqnemex ‘ An Act to enable the Secretary of War to permit the erection of a 2,‘,§‘,},,,,f’,{‘,j',}g,,{“· “°“’ lock and dam in aid of navigation in the Tennessee River near Chatta- edA··*•·- p. 3<>9.¤me¤d- nooga, Tennessee, and for other purp0ses," be, and the same is hereby, ` amended by inserting in section one, line seven, after the words “Sc0tt Point," " near Chattanooga, 'I`ennessee," and before the word Loc _ "under," the following: "or at such other point or place ID the *‘“°“· mountain section of said river below Scott Point as the Secretary of War may approve." Approved, January 7, 1905.
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