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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/693

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606 F1FTY—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1Il. Cas. 41-43. 1905. making further provisions for a civil government for Alaska and for Qgmgyiiou of gx_ other pu ses," approved June sixth, nineteen hundred: lgrmyided, empmm. however, Tliiit this exemption from said license fees is upon the condition that said com any shall build at least ten miles of railroad each h year; but if more than ten miles be built in any one year it shall be credited to the work of the succeeding year. Approved, January 18, 1905. January1a, 1905. (IHA?. 4B.——An Act To authorize the count of Itawamba, in the State of MislH· R- 15***-] siiigmpi, to construct a bridge across the Tombigliee River, near the town of Fulton, [Public, No. 11.] in e said county and State. Be itehacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United '{;"‘,‘;*{,*Q° States of America in Cbngreaa asaemb , That the county of ltawamba, mruizridse. ¤¢ YE one of the counties of the State of Mississjppi, duly created and organm' M ized under and by virtue of the laws the said State, is hereby authorized and empowered to erect, construct, and maintain a bridge, b and through its roper officers, over the Tombigbee River, near tlle town of Fulton, hblissnssippi, at the int on said river where the public road from Fulton, Mississippi, to Tirpelo, Mississippi, now crosses gcvgg- of wu w the said river: Provided, That e plans and location of the said bridge sppmvcylhns, ew. shall be approved by the Secretary_ of War before the construction of b,,,d;§°“ "“" '°°‘ the bridge is commenced. Said bridge shall be constructed to provide_ for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, for the transit of animals, and for foot passengers, under such rules and regulations as ngatyh be latidsdown pyyahe proper officers of said county under the laws 0 e said tate o 'ssissi i. mf;‘,:_f,‘}},u,',§f“°'“‘° Sec. 2. That the bridge dlihll be a lawful structure, and shall be known and reco ized as a post route, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges of othdr post-roads of the United States; and no charge shall be made for the transmission over same of the mails, troops, and ,,g,*{gf¥"'·Ph· °*°·· munitions of war of the United States. Ecgual privile es in the use of said blridge shallléae granltgd ma all tellegrapl up telepgone comppnies, an te United Statess veterig to wa acrosssai rid chu=¢¤· and its approaches for postal, telegraph, and telephone purposes; add any changes in the said ridge which the Secretary of War may require in the interest of navigatgm shall be made by the person or corporation ownin or o erating e same at their own ex nse. ,,§,'f“°° °' °°"'"'“°' Sec. 3. That this Act shall be null and void if acllial construction of said bridge herein authorized shall not be commenced in one year and completed within three years from the date ot approval hereot.

  1. ¤¤¤d¤¤¤¤¢- Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. Approved, January 18, 1905. J¤n¤¤rr18.1906· CHAP. 43.-An Act T ori a' ’ r¤-¤=-mw-1 bridge mm at emma ii??? "° °“’°"°” P—"“”’ I’°‘““"“"” “’. °°””““°‘ “ Public, No. 12.] [ Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United (1Qf,'}Q‘,{,§';*],j,§m,y States of America in Uongreas assembled, That the parish of Caldwell, Edu. nt volumbm Louisiana, through its corporate authority, is hereb authorized and w.,.,.. md gw; empowered to construct and maintain a wagon and fyoot bridge, with

  • °""‘¤'· pecessary gpproacflhessacrlpsls this Oulachita River at the town of Columia, in said ris . `uc ri ge s all be constructed to rovide for

the passage gl? wagons and vehicles of all kinds, animals, fbot passengers, and for all road travel. `