FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 43, 44, 47. 1905. 607 · Sec. 2. That the said bridge shall be constructed under and subject B°°’° °‘ w" '° to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of uppmmus' m` War shall prescribe; and to secure that 0 ject the said parish shall submit for his examination and approval a design and drawing of the bridge and a map of the location; and until the location and plan of the bridge are approved by the Secretary of War the bridge shall not be commenced or built; and should an change be made in the plan ¤1¤¤¤8¤¤· of said bridge, during the progress ob construction or after completion, such change shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War; and that said company shall, at its own expense, make from time to time such changes in said bridge as the Secretary of War may orger in thrpljnteregt of gavigahgonim I . L { 1 Ec. 3. at said bri ge s ll a lawfu structure and shall be u "' “ '"“""“'° recognized and known asa post route, and shall enjoy the rights and ud posh0m` ~ pr1v1leges of other p0st—roads in the_ United States; and no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over the road or roads leading to such bridge. Erma} privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to ,,gh‘2F"“’h· °""· all telegrap and telephone companies, andthe United States shall haive thehrighs of pay] across said r1dge(;a.ndl1tshapproaches folr posdtaélé te egrap an te ep one pu ses· an a c an s in said ri required by the' Secretary ofwar sit any time, or it; entire removal, shag!] be at the expense of the corporation owning or operating said bri ge. Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Am¤¤<1m¤¤t ex ressly reserved. . Sec. 5. That this Act shall be null and void unless the bridge author- urine of ccusrme ized is commenced within one year and completed within t ree years °°‘ from the date of approval thereof. · Approved, January 18, 1905. CHAP. 44.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Pearl ~l¤¤¤¤1'Y 18.1905- and Leaf Rivers Railroad Company to bridge Pearl River, in the State of Mississippi." c, No. 13.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe 0_fRep0·esentativea of the United States e_fAmeriea in Oemgviesésaalssenzbled, {That gh? Mississippi tglsntrag §,‘}§,;é§},‘,;’·¤en,m, Railroad Com ny a rai r corpora ion u inco ra an IT! gomgany organized undg: tlie laws of the State of Miss1%sippi iibormerly the pe.-’{,?'i4°B °° m" Pearl and Leaf Rivers Railroad Company), rts successors and assigns, V¤1.¤2.r>.m be, and is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain the bridge mentioned in the Act approved March second, mneteen hundred and V0] B2 three, entitled "An A? to guthprge the Pearl ém8ctBLe;•fDttivem_Bail; ,,,,,,,,;,,,,_· ’· **2**- ` ad C to bri e ear iver in e o nssissi pi hinder eiriilphdbject to tie provisions of the said_ Act, provided) the ¤Q,'Q,‘f"° °' °°“'“'“°' actual construction of the bridge there1n,author1zed be commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of approval of this Act. Approved, January 18, 1905. CHAP. 47.-——An Act To authorize the citvof Mim1eapolis, in the State of Min- ·l¤¤11;1’F58g {905- nesou, to construct a bridge across the M1$1¤¤1PP1 RWM- _ Be it enacted by the Senate and H'0»uee3§fRepresentqtivee of United Mmm im er States of America en Oongreas aesembl , That the city of Minneapolis, Mm,,,,,,*,§{’,u,_ Q,,,,," in the State of Minnesota, is hereby authorized and empowered to ¤¤Y1>¤<18<*~ construct, operate, and maintain a street-car, wagon, and foot brrdge,
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