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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/703

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6].6 FIFTY·ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1II. CHS. 139, 277. 1905. 63***** °‘ °°¤°*'¤°· Sec. 3. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of ` said brid e herein authorized shall not be commenced in two years and · completed within three years from the date of approval hereof. ·””°”"’“°“‘· Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ‘ expressly reserved. Approved, January 24, 1905. January 27, 1915. CHAP. 277.——An Act To provide for the con truction and maintenance of roads, [S- 37m] the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane

 persons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rq»·esentati·ves of the United {,1**;;- me M States 0lfA.meriea in Uongress assembled, That all moneys derived from iimiia tees chanel; and col ected for liquor licenses, occupation, or trade licenses outside K,§’,‘}‘{{’§f,'f,°°t,‘},€?,;_']'},'gk*t,§ of the incorporated towns in the district of Alaska shall be deposited f¤g,gi"w P ms in the Treasury Department of the United States, there to remain as a ' ’` separate and distinct fund, to be known as the “Alaska fund," and to I"'- P- ml- be wholly devoted to the purposes hereinafter stated in the district of mvum me mu Alaska. One·fourth of said fund, or so much thereof as may be necf'“‘°‘ essary, shall be devoted to the establishment and maintenance of ublic schools in said district; five per centum of said fund shall be devoted to the care and maintenance of insane persons in said district, or so much of said five per centum as may be needed; and all the residue of said fund shall be devoted to the construction· and maintenance of wagon roads, bridges, and trails in said district. wfgggmgtgtgu °* Sino. 2. That there shall be a board of road commissioners in said pmnronémcom- district, to be com sed of an en ineer officer of the United States §,‘§‘§°{,“,§’,,,,b,‘,§,,']‘,?,T Army to be detailcdximd appointedg by the Secretary of \Var, and two °* W¤‘· other officers of that part otpthe Arm stationed in said district and to be designated by the Secretary of ixlar. The said engineer officer shall, durin the term of his said detail and appointment, abide in said Y°"°¤°"*°•¤*· district. The said board shall have the power, and it shall be thei1· duty, upon their own motion or upon petition, to locate, lay out, construct, and maintain wa on roads and pack trails from any point on the navigable waters og said district to any town mining or other industria camp or settlement, or between any such town, camps, or settlements therein, if in their jud ent such roads or trails are needed and will be of permanent value gi? the development of the district; but no such road or trail shall be constructed to any town, camp, or settlement which is wholly transitory or of no substantial value or importance for mining, trade, agricultural, or manufacturing purposes. Mnvsetc. The said board shall prepare maps, plans, and specifications of evcry road or trail they may locate and lay out, and whenever more than five thousand dollars lll the aggregate shall have to be ex nded on the construction of any road or trail, contract for the worlieshall be ’”""~ let by them to the lowest responsible bidder, upon sealed bids, after due notice, under rules and regulations to be (prescribed by the Secretary of War. The board may re`ect any bi if they deem the same unreasonably high or ifthey find that there is a combination among bid- _ ders. In case no responsible and reasonable bid can be secured, then _ the work mlsy be carried on with material and men procured and hired ,,§§'§f,‘}§l,{‘§}‘,$f,'§’kF‘° by the boa . The engineer officer of the board shallin all cases supervise the work of construction and see that the same is properly per- B€P°¤· formed. As soon as any road or trail laid out b the board has been constructed and completed they shall examine the same and make a full and detailed report of the work done on the same to the Secretarv of War, and in such report they shall state whether the road or trail _ has been completed conformable to the maps, plans, and specifications B°"“‘”· of the same. It shall be the duty of said board, as far as practicable,