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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/704

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 111. · Ch. 277. 1905. 617 to keep in proper repair all roads and trails constructed under their supervision, and the same rules as to the manner in which the work of repair shall be done, whether by contract O1' otherwise, shall govern as in the case of the original construction of the road or trail. The cost Expenses. and exppnses of laéying out, constructing, and repairing such roads and trails s all be pai by the Secretary of the Treasury out of the road and trail portion of said "Alaska fund" u n vouchers approved and certified by said board. The Secretary oixthe Treasury shall, at the end of eac month, send by mail to each of the members of said board a statement of the amount available of said “Alaska fund" for theconstruction and repair of roads and trails, and no reater liability for R°'"*°“°”· construction or re ir shall at any time be incurred b said board than · the money availabl: therefor at that time in said fundi The members of said board shall, in addition to their salaries, be entitled to receive their actual traveling expenses paid or incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members of the board. Sec. 3. That the governor of the district of Alaska shall be ex officio Governor made susuperintendent of publi_c instruction in said district, and as such shall bpm have supervision and direction of the public schools in said district and ”““°* shall prescribe rules and regulations fdr the examination and ualification of teachers, and shall make an annual report of the conldition of the schools in the district to the Secretary of the Interior. ‘ Sec. 4. That the common council of the incorporated towns in said ¤¢1w<>_1 districts district shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, in their respec- Tiki" uimiiemoélifg tive towns to establish school districts, to rovide the same with suit- §§,f°m}’,}{,,fh° °°*¤" able schoolhouses, and to maintain public schools therein and to provide ` the necessaréy funds for the schools; but such schools when established ¤¢¤¤°* MM- shall be nn er the supervision and control of a school board of three members, consisting of a director, a treasurer, and a clerk, to be elected annually by the vote of all adults who are citizens of the United States or who have declared their intention to become such and who are residents of the school district. The members of said board iirst elected Tm °‘°“°°· shall hold their offices for the term of two, and three years, respectively, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and one P°**·P-1262 member of such board shall be elected each year thereafter and shall hold his office for a period of three years and until his successor is elected and qualified; and they shall each, before enterin upon the OM- duties of their office, take an oath in writing to honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of their trust. In case a vacancy in the member- V·~¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· ship of said board occurs from death, resignation, removal, or other cause, such vacancy inay be filled by a special election, upon ten days' notice, called by the remaining members of the board upon the petition of five qualified voters. Al money available for school purposes, mgoiygumirure M except for the construction and equipment of schoolhouses and the ` acquisition of sites for the same, shall me expended under the du·ection of said board, and the treasurer of said board shall be the custodian of said money, and he shall, before entering uplon the duties of his office, B°““· give his bond, with sufficient sureties, to the school district, in such sum as the common council may direct, and subject to its approval, but not less than twice the amount that may come into his ands as treasurer, conditioned that he will honestly and faithfully disburse and account for all mone that may come into his hands as such treasurer. The said board shall have the power to hire and employ the necessary rescues. teachers, to provide for heating and lighting the schoolhouse, and in general to do and pelffopm everything necessary for the due maintenance of a ro r sc oo . Sec. 5. fhatixtjhe clerk of the district court shall have the power, and dgghggl $1*;:;;;*,;%*6 it shall be his duty, in the division to which he is appointed and in mgnai { it U which he resides, upon petition as hereinafter specified, to establish by u,,§{,g_"“* °‘ °* *‘ order in writing a school district at any camp, village, or settlement