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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/706

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 277. 1905. 619 and maintained they shall, at the end of each school term, report to the governor in writing the length of the term, the wages paid the teacher, the total number of pupils in attendance, and the daily average of such attendance at such term. The governor shall assign and set apart to ,.F'“‘d,*°' f°“",§'“°‘ each school district established and organized under the provisions of ligiiéesl c" 0 sc withis section a sum, not less than three hundred dollars nor more than · one thousand dollars, in proportion to the number of upils in the district, for the construction and equipment of a schoolhouse, which sum shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury to the treasurer of the school district upon the order and voucher of the governor out of that portion of the said Alaska fund set apart for the establishment and maintenance of public schools. The residue of said portion of said w"‘°°°“°“°“°”· fund, orso much thereof as may be necessary, shall by the governor be apportioned amopg the several school districts established under the provisions of this section in amounts sufficient for each district- to pay the wages of a teacher, together with the expense of fuel and F“°1*°Y°‘ ight, for five months” school in each year. And the amounts so appor- A”°'“°““""“· tioned to each school district shall be paid to the treasurer of the district by the Secretary of the Treasury upon the order and voucher of the governor out of the said portion of said fund. . Sec. 6. That the clerks of school districts in the incorporated towns Qmifrkgf “°“°°' shall, at the end of each school term, report to the governor in writing the lpngth of gpc termhtlip wages pxidl the tegcher,dthe number of u i s in atteu noe an the ave ai atten ance urin theterm. _ P Sec. 7: That the schools specimnd grovided for in thig Act shall €;EE§T{§$Q‘,ff ""°• be devoted to the education of white children and children of mixed blood who lead a civilized life. The education of the Eskimos and mS,§°{§'§1§,{,‘]f mm" Indians in the district of Alaska shall remain under the direction and PM P- D88- control of the Secretary of the Interior, and schools for and among the Eskimos and Indians of Alaska shall be provided for by an annual approplriation, and the Eskimo and Indian children of Alaska shall have the same right to be admitted to any Indian boarding school as the Indian children in the States or Territories of the United States. . Sec. 8. That commissioners appointed by the judges of the district I““‘“°_P°”°¤*· court in the district of Alaska, pursuant to existing laws,_ shall, as ex mfg‘g’}**'¤°¤* °¤d oflicio probate judges and in the exerc1se of their probate Jurisdiction, have the power, and it shall be their duty, in their respective districts, to commit, by warrant under their ands and seals,_ all persons adgudged insane in their districts to the asylum Ol’.S&lllt»81'l\1ll) provided for the care and keeping of the insane of the district of Alaska. 1, mma", No person shall be adjudgedinsane or committed as such, except upon and pursuant to the following proceedings, to wit: Whenever complaint in writing is made by any adult Iperson a_ commissioner that there is an insane person at large in t_ e commissioner s d1str1ct,_the commissioner shall at once cause such insane person to taken into Tmlbyjuyl custody and to be brought before him, and he shall then immediately summon and impanel a jury of six male adults, residents of the_d1s- ‘ trict, to inquire, try, and determine whether the person so complained of is really insane. The members of said ]ury s all, before entering upon the discharge of their duty, each take an oath to diligently · inquire, justly try, and a true verdict render, touching the mental Ammeymdmm condition of the person charged with being insane. Before entering an upon such trial the commissioner shall appoint some suitable person to appear for and represent in the procee mg the person complauiedof Exmmmm bv as insane. And in case there is a physician or surgeon in the vicinity ,;,,,.,m,,,_ · who can be procured, the commissioner shall cause such surgeon or physician to examine the person alleged to_be insane, and after such examination to testify under oath before the Jury in respect to the men— tal condition of said person. The comnnsswner shall preside at said wimmu. hearing and trial. A lwitnesses that may be offered sha] be heard and