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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/707

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620 Firrr-Eieuru ooueanss. sm. 111. cus. 277, ms. im. shall be permitted to testify under oath in said matter, and after having heard all the evidence the said jury shall retire to agree upon averdict, "°>’di°’· and if the jury unanimously, by their verdict in writing, and that the said person so charged with being insane as aforesaid is really and trulv insane and that he ought to be committed to the asylum or sanitarium aforesaid, and the commissioner approves such finding, heshall enter a judgment adjudging the said person to be insane and adjudging that he be at once conveyed to and thereafter properly and safely kept in the said asylum or samtarium until duly discharged therefrom Lssue of W¤¤¤¤¢. by law. The commissioner shall thereupon, under his hand and seal, °t°‘ issue his warrant, with a copy of said ju gment attached, for the commitment of said insane (person to the asylum or sanitarium aforesaid, which warrant shall be elivered to the marshal of the division in which said roceedings are had, and shall direct said mai sha] to safely keep and dbliver said insane person to said asylum or san itarium, and the said C do i r rnarshaihtfor the rxiizvice pftprocess in cpnjjegtion with antdxjzhfe guaad- Q¤¤P€¤¤* ¤ ° ing an ranspo ion 0 e insane s a e compensa rom e umm dp m` same source and in the same mannef as in the case of prisoners convicted of crime. The commissioner, the jurymen, and the witnesses fin said proceeding shall hp eptijsjedhto the same compenpation end miled ·*¤‘”° ° °*P°°¤° e as in civi actions. n a the compensation, mi cage ees an mmm"` dg other expenses and outlays incident to said proceedings shall be audited and allowed by the district judge of the division in which said proceedings are pending and had, an when so audited and allowed shall be paid by the clerk of the court in such division as the mcidental Repeal expenses of the court are by him paid and from the same fulpd, · `Eo. 9. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent wit t iis Act are, to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed. Approved, January 27, 1905. J¤¤e§Y%_%,j9%· J CHAP. 278.-An Act Granting certain property to the county of Gloucester, New Thane, N0. 2v.] Bmw` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of]? esentatilves of the Matted M-txfyyligggd Rx; States of America in Oonégress assembled, Tliht the Secretary of the vm0¤,s.1.ry Interior is hereby directe to convey, by proper patent, to the board ,Q'},‘{‘g§°,,’f,§‘Q,,§}{‘f,’{; of chosen freeho ders of the county of Gloucester, in the State of New im ¤¤m¤¤¤1 1>¤¤¤=- Jersey, toand for the use and benefit of said county, as a public park, suc part of the abandoned Redbank Military Reservation in said county not to exceed twenty acres, including the monument site twentydfeet square, as may be designated by said board. after the same has been properly surveyed un er the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. m§,f,;g¤i°¤*¤ °“°°‘ hSec. 2. That the ownership, fee, and title conveyed by said patent ' s all revert to and reinvest in the United States without any formal declaration of forfeiture thereof, at any time when said county shall fail to establish and maintain thereon a public park as a memorial to the battle fought thereon on October twenty-second, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, or when said county shall use, or permit any part of said lan s to be used, for any purpose not necessarily incident to the maintenance of such park. Approved, January 27, 1905.