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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/713

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626 r1rTY-Eionrn coxomcss. sm. 111. css. 286, 287. 1905 and currents of the river at all points and the location of any other bridge or bridges, together with all other information touching said bridge and river as may be deemed reguisite by the Secretary of War to determine whether said bridge, w en built, will conform to the provisions of this Act and cause no serious obstruction to the navigation of the river or injuriously affect the flow of water. lg,¤gl=¤*¤¤*¤<l ”"*‘ Sec. 3. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed, ga 0upon receiving such plan and map and upon bein satisfied that a bridge built on such plan and at such locality will congorm to the provisions of this Act and cause no serious obstruction to the navigation of the river, or injuriously affect the ilow of water, to notify the said COI'- poration that he approves the same; and upon receiving such notiiication the said corporation may proceed to the erection of said bridge chansen- conforming strictly to the approved plan and location; but until the Secreta of War shall approve the plan and location of said bridge and notg the said corporation of the same in writing the bridge shall not be built or commenced, and should any change be made in the plan of the brid during the progress of the work thereon, or after completion, sri5i change sha} be subject likewise to-the approval of the Secretary of War; and the said bridge shall be changed by the said gompany ag its own eigpense whenever the Secretary of War shall so irect in the interest o navigation. lawful g¤¤¤¢¤~ Sec. 4. That any bridge constructed under this Act shall be a lawful °° mm ‘ structure, and shall be known as a post-road, for which no higher charge shall be made for the trans rtation of mail, troops, and n1uni— tions of war or other property of th; United States over the same than the rate per mile charged for such transportation over the railways Hg1z°€"Ph· °'*°·· leading to said bridge. The United States shall also have a right of ` way over said bridge for postal, telegraph, and tele hone purposes, arid equap prcivilpgels in the use 'of said bridge shall granted to all. te e ra an te ep one com nies. ¤sl¤¤. we Sic. That the said bridge shall be so kept and managed at all times as not to interfere with the passage of vessels, barges, and rafts, _ both by day and by night, and there shall be displayed on said bridge byl the oyrniir tlaerplof, frgmnmt to sunris}: such lights or other signasast e i t- ouse mayprescri . ¤¤¤ l>r<¤l¤¤ ¤¤¤¤· Size. 6. Thad; all railroad companies desiring the use of said brid e . shall have and be entitled to e ual rights and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains over the same and the approaches thereto upon compemamu. payment of a reasonable compensation for suc use, or, in case of . isagreement, upon such terms and conditions as shall befrescribed by the Secretary of War upon hearing the allegations an proofs of the parties in interest. ,,£f”° °‘ °°"'“’“°‘ Sec. 7. That this Act shall be null and void unless the bridge herein apthorized ghall belcolmmelpced within one year and completed within t ree years rom the ate ereof. -'*’¤°”"”’°”‘· Szc. 8. That the right to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, January 28, 1905. Jigs; th ;, Act To create a new division in the eastern judicial district of Public, No. 33. [ I Be tt emwted by the Senate and House of Representatw}ves of the Uizited ‘{,‘m§,‘Qj,§’;e°r‘{,“(§}';; States of zingerica in Ocmgresa assembled, That a new division of the trlgmamm mw eastern ]ud1c1al district of the State of Missouri, to be known as the summsmaned southeastern division judicial district of Missouri, be, and the same is ,_Q,’g§;,,,§f· *’· ‘“· hereby, established, to be composed of the following counties, to wit: Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin,