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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/714

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1•II·` T1-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 287. 1905. 627 Stoddard, Butler., Riplev, Carter Ore on Shannon Re nolds Madison, Bollinger, and Perry, sind s§d izounties be, arid the sdhinyinliie hereby, transferred to said southeastern division of said eastern district of Missouri; but no additional clerk or marshal shall be appointed in or for said division of said district. Sec. 2. That terms of the circuit and district courts of the said south- 'mms ut C‘P° Gieastern division judicial district of Missouri shall be held in the city mae"` of Cape Girardeau, in said State, on the second Monday in April and October of each year, after this Act goes into effect. Sec. 3. That the clerks of the district and circuit courts for the E’*“"¤¤ iudkm eastern district of Missouri and the marshal and attorney of the United 0mm5mm' m` States for said district shall perform the duties appertaining to their offices, respectivelfy, for said courts of said southeastern division judi- · cial district, and the clerk’s office of said coiirts shall be at Saint Louis - where all records of said courts may be kept and all duties performed; except when court is in session at Cape Girardeau; but should the Depvtvclerknwnre business of said courts hereafter warrant a deputy clerk at Cape Girar- Gunn"` deau, in the judgment of the district judge, then new books and records may be opened for the courts herein created and kept at Cape Ltiréardeag, ang a deputy clerk appointed to reside and keep his office a ape irar eau. Sec. 4. That all suits not of a local nature in said circuit and dis- Sum ¤¢¤i¤¤¢<>¤e or trict courts against a single defendant, inhabitant of said State, must mm d€f°°d°m‘ be brought in the division of the district where he resides; but if there _ are two or more defendants residing in different divisions of the district such suits may be brought in either division. . Sec. 5. That all prosecutions for crimes or offenses hereafter com- ?¤>=¤¤¤¤¤¤ of mitted in either of the divisions of said district shall be cognizable cmu within the division in which the said crimes are committed, and all prosecutions for crimes or offenses heretofore committed in the eastern district of Missouri, as heretofore constituted, shall be commenced and proceeded with as if this Act had not been passed. Sec. 6. That all grand and petit jurors summoned for service in each ~'¤*°¤‘¤· division shall be residents of such division. All mesne and final pro- P¤>¤°¤· cess, subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained, issued in either gf said divisions, may be served and executed in either or any of the ivisions. _ Sec. 7. That in all cases of removal of suits from courts of the State R¤¤°'¤l<>f ¤¤i¤- of Missouri to the courts of the United States in the eastern district of Missouri such removal shall be to the United States courts in the division in which the county is situated from which the removal is made, and the time within w ich the removal shall be perfected, in·so far as it refers to or is regulated by the terms of the United States courts, shall be deemed to refer to the terms of the United States courts held in said southeastern division judicial district. Sec. 8. That this Act shall be in force from and after the thirty-first E¤¤¤*— day of July, anno Domini nineteen hundred_and live, and all Acts or parts of Acts so far as inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed: Prwided, Imaam-, That suitable rooms and accommodations are fm-- g°u?6°m_ nished for the holding of said court at said place free of expense to the Government of the United States. Approved, January 31, 1905.