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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/715

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628 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 288-290. 1905. February 1. 1905 CHAP. 288.-An Act Providing for the transfer of forest reserves from the DelH‘ ¥;_E°°‘] partment of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture. _ Public, No. S4. [ 1 Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House ofltipresentatives afthe United {,`§;*{Srf){°’g{'°§;“nS_ States of America in Congress assembled,` at the Secretary of the fened wAgr1bu1¤¤r¤1 Department of Agriculture shall, from and after the passage of this °°*’“'°"‘°°°' Act, execute or cause to be executed all laws alfecting public lands VoL26,p.1103. heretofore or hereafter reserved under the provisions of section twenty-four of the Act entitled "An Act to repeal the timber-culture laws, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred v01.a0,p.s6. and ninety-one, and Acts supplemental to and amencfatory thereof, -"**°°P“°”* after such lands have been so reserved, excepting such laws as affect the surveying, prospecting, locating, appropriating, entering; relinquishing, reconveying, certifying, or patenting of aarhy of suc lands. wfogvguj [gmx; Sec. 2. That pulpswood or wood pu p man actur from timber m n peimuka. the district of Alas may be exported therefrom. “§•$:S¤g*;·5¤¥°f ¤*P°*· Sm. 3. That forest sigpervisors and rangers shall be selected, when practicable, from qualifi citizens of the States or Territories in which _ the said reserves, respectively, are situated. ,,dw}§$',§‘;‘{§‘§'gf"§,‘§YQ Sec. 4. That rights of way for the construction and maintenance of l>¤¤>¤¤¤¤· dams, reservoirs, water plants, ditches, ilumes, pi es, tunnels, and » canals, within and across the forest reserves of the Suited States, are hereby granted to citizens and co rations of the United States for ‘ municipal or minin purposes, andrfdr the purposes of the milling and R°¤“l*“°¤¤ reduction of ores, dining the period of their beneiicial use, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the . Interior, and subject to the laws of the State or· Territory in which said _ reserves are respectively situated. c€},,$,§ °,fof,}‘“,2fg W; Sec. 5. That all money received from the sale of any products or the m·¤u¤¤¤,e¤c. use of an land or resources of said forest reserves shall be covered into the 'lyreasury of the United States and for a period of five rears from the passage of this Act shall constitute a special fund avaifable, until expended, as the Secretary of Agriculture may direct, for the protection, administration, improvement, and extension of Federal forest reserves. Approved, February 1, 1905. F¢il;{¤*{,'!;fl&}7"]lP- JXEAPL 2B9;·t—};An Act To change the name of a portion of Thirteen-and-a—l1alf 1- i...'.-";. s ree o inwo place. [Public, N0. 35.] Be it enacted by the Senate and [[0use rgfRe¥re-¢entafv°¢·e~ of the ['ni/ed ”,§’:j_lf':f ?,QYr“{‘Qn*‘; States of America in (hmgress aawnbfed, hat from and after the and-¤-n•11¤gm:mblc passage of this Act the minor street lying between B and D streets {,';'§f.'§_°d x‘"`“'°" and hirteenth and Fourteenth streets, southwest, in the city of Washin ton, District of Columbia, and known as Thirteen-and-a-half street, sliall be known and designated as Linworth place. Approved, February 1, 1905. F*;iE:t*?;é£0¥’· hi iguthorize certain changes in the permanent system of Pu . N0. 36.] _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Resentatives 0 the Gzited DCl’{§l,fg,e‘§,‘,,°f,‘Q§}’,},l;Q§j States of America in Cbngress assembled; Tebdt the Commissioners of jj; ,{;;¤;¤;¤;>;¤ ¤v·¤¤¤ the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to prepare a new highway gilan for that portion of the District of Columbia lying north of the heritf road and southeast of the right of way of the Alexandria branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and extending to