658 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. For contingppt expanse?] of the Territory, to be expended by the vernor one thousand dollars. g0Fo1‘ legislative expenses, namely:_For rent, messenger, postage, statiginery, fupj; lightgnprjnting, an incidental expenses for secretary’s 0 ce two thousand ol ars. N"' M¤=*¤>· Tniuucronr or N nw Mnxrcoz For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice, and five associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and interpreter and tlpanslagor in $318 lpxecpltivg ofllicfajive hundred dollars; in a l, twenty- t ree thousand t ree un re dollars. . For eontilngent gxpepses of Territory, to be expended by the governor onethousand dollars. Fon? legislative expenses, namely: For rent, light, fuel, telephone, ice, water, stationery, record files, record casings, (Printing, postage, “ clerks, stenographer and typewriter, messenger an porter, and inci- _ dentals in secretarv’s office, three thousand dollars. °¤·¤¤·¤•· - Tnnnrronr or Omlanomaz For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice and six associate judges, at four thousand dollars each; and secretary; 1;:: thousgmd eight hundred dollars; in all, thirty-two thouund e' t ndred dollars. For oontlggent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor for rents, rivate secretary, stenographer and typewriter, and typewriter supplies, janitor, messenger, fuel, lights, stationery and printing, ostage, te egrams, furniture for office, express, and other incidentalls, one thousand dollars. ` For legislative expenses, namely: For rent of office, furniture, fuel, ‘ lights, stationery, clerk hire, printing, postage, ice, record casings and 11E2s, messenger, porter, indexing rec0rds, stenographer, typewriters, . janitor, gnid pther incidental expenses of the secretary’s office, three ousan ol ars. H*"°“· Tmmrronr or HAWAII: For governor, five thousand dollars; secretar , three thousand dollars; chief justice, five thousand five hundred dollars; and two associate justices, at five thousand dollars each; in all, twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars. For judges of circuit courts, at three thousand dollars each, so much as nzlayéd be npcessary, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen un an six. For contingent expenses of the Territory of Hawaii, to be expended by the governor for stationery, postage, and incidentals, five hundred . dollars, and for private secretary to the governor two thousand dollars; for traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the gapital on official business, five hundred dollars; in all, three thousand 0 ars. l’°{*•> m¤<>· Tnnnrronr or Ponro Rico: For salary of the resident connnis- V°‘m"‘°°‘ sioner from Porto Rico to the United States authorized b the Act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, approved April twelfth, nineteen hundred, five thousand dollars; for traveling expenses, one hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty picgnlts; in al, five thousand one hundred and thirty-four dollars and cents. wu nepmmem. WAR DEPARTMENT. PW °* S°*=*¤¤·¤’· Ormcm or mn Sncnnranrz For com nsation of the Secretarv of Ama"' °l°m’ m' War, eight thousand dollars; Assistant gcretar , four thousandvlive hundre dollars; chief clerk, including five hundred dollars as assist~ ant in military park and insular affairs, three thousand dollars; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; clerk to the Assistant Secretary, two thousand one hundred dollars; clerk to the chief clerk, twothousand one hundred dollars: disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; appointment clerk, two thou-
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