FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. l SESS, III. C11. 297. 1905. 659 sand dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; superintendent of buildings, outside of State, War, and Navy Department building, in addition to compensation as chief of division five hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief telegrapher, one thousand eight hundred dollars (transfer from temporary roll); four clerks of class four· five clerks of class three; fourteen clerks of class two (increase of four by transfer from temporary roll); fifteen clerks of class one (increase of four by transfer rom temporary roll); five clerks, at one thousand dollars each (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); one clerk, nine hundred dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); two clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each (by transfer from temporary roll); one foreman, one thousand two hundred dollars (by transfer from temporary rolk carpenter, one thousand dollars; chief messen er,‘one thousand dol rs; two carpenters, at nine hundred dollars each six messengers (increase of two by transfer from temporary roll); eight assistant messengers (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); one assistant messenger, six hundred and sixty dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); one messenger boy, three undred and sixty dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); engineer, nine hundred dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); assistant engineer, seven hundred and twenty dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); one fireman (by transfer from temporary roll); four watchmen (by transfer from temporary roll); five watc men, at six hundred and sixty dollars each (by transfer from temporary roll); eight laborers; two laborers, at_ four hundred ·and seventy dollars each (bg, transfer from temporary roll); hostler, six hundred dollars; two ostlers, and one watc man, at tive hundred and forty dollars each; one telephone operator, four hundred and eighty dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); two elevator conductors, one at six hundred dollars and one at four hundred and seventy dollars (by transfer from temporary roll); four cbarwomen (by transfer from tem rary roll); in a , one hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundredxslnd eight dollars. It shall not be lawful to detail, clerks or other civilian employees G§>¤°¤*S¤*¤· authorized for the Office of the General Staff for duty, tempora`1;y or ,,,l}§.‘f,l{lQ‘§‘,,,{l,{’,§{‘,*,l,f‘,_ “’ otherwise, in any office or bureau of the War Department at l ashington, District of Columbia, or to detail clerks or other enmloyees from the War Department for service in the Office of the eneral Staff. Mimnnr SECRETA'RY’S Orrrcn: For chief clerk, two thousand uol- Segfggrf Mlm"'? lars; ten chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; forty-eight. <2:Lk¤.c:gi clerks of class four; sixty-four clerks of class three; ninety-four clerks "" ‘ of class two; two hundred and thirty-two clerks of class one; eighty- eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant engineer, nine hun red dollars; two firemen; skilled mechanic, one thousand dollars; ten messengers; fifty-eight_ assistant messengers; messenger boy, three hundred and sixty ollars; eight watchmen; superinten ent of building, two hundred and fifty dcilars; and eighteen laborers; in all, seven hundred and eightyione thousand nine liundred and fift dollars; and all employees provided for by this para raph for the Mlilitary Secretary’s Office of the War Department shah be exclusively engaged on the work of this office for the fiscal yearmincteen hundre and six. y Orrrcr: or rm-1 Insrr:cron—GENsnAL: For one clerk of class four; 0;%-ggj¤¤*¤¤—G¤¤¤r¤¤ _ two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; one clerk of class one; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and one messenger, six hundred dollars (transferred from temporary roll); in all, twelve thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. _ ’ Orrrcn or run J umn-Anvocsru-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two Gg;·grg;¢,;=),;*ég¤•*• thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class three;
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