FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. 661 assistant engineer, for night duty, nine hundred dollars; two firemen; skilled mec an1c, one_ thousand dollars; twelve assistant messengers; . three watchmen; superintendent of building (Army Medical Museum and Library), two hundred and fifty dollars; six laborers (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); chemist, two thousand and eighty-eight dollars; principal assistant librarian, two thousand and` eighty-eight dollars; pathologist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; mncroscoprst, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant librarian, one thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, one hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-six dollars. Omrrcn or run Parmlsrna-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thousand e,§£§,’(,',§,{,§f°"“°* dollars; five clerks of class four; five clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two (increase of three by transfer from temporary roll); ten clerks of class one (increase of eight by transfer from temporary roll); five clerks, at one thousand dollars each (transferred from temporary roll); nine clerks, at nine hundred dollars each (transferred from temporary roll); one assistant messenger; four laborers; one laborer, six undred dollars (transferred from temporary roll); in all, sixty-two thousand and sixty dollars. Orrrcn or rms Cmnr or Onnmmcn: For chief clerk, two thousand °¤’¤“¤°° °¤°•• dollars; five clerks of class four (increase of three b transfer from temporary roll); six clerks of class three (increase of fbur by transfer . from temporary roll); eleven clerks of class two (increase of nine by transfer from temporary roll); twenty-six clerks of class one gncrease of six by transfer from temporary roll); eight clerks, at one ousand dollars each (increase of five by transfer gem temporary roll); four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each (transferred from temporary roll); two messengers; one assistant messen er; one messenger seven hundred and eighty dollars (transferred irom temporary roll);. one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars (trans erred from temporary roll); one laborer; in all, eighty-three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars. _ The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services, not clerical, 8,§P“°" d'°““"‘°"• as the Secretary of \Var may deem necessary, may be employed in the office of the Chief of Ordnance to carry into edect the various appropriations for the armament of fortifications, to be paid from such appropriations, in addition to the amount specifically agmopriated for _ draftsmen in the Army Ordnance Bureau: 1’:m·ided, at the entire f${'{";,,,,_ expenditures for this purpose for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, · nineteen hundred and six, shall not exceed forty thousand dollars, and that the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. Ormcn or run Omar or Exemnmns: For chief clerk, two thousand ¤¤s¤¤¤¤r'¤ ¤=¤<=··~ dollars; live clerks of cli four; four clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; four clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger, and two laborers; in all, thirty thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. _ _ _ And the services of skilled draftsmen, civil engineers, and such other Cml °°¤“*°°"—*» °*°· services as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, may be employed in the office of the Chief of Engineers, to carry into effect the various appro riations for rivers and harbors, fortifications, and surveys to be _ · paid fiom such a propriations: H·oa·z'ded. That the expenditures on ,'};§:°ém_ this account for tlge fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. Omucn or um Bnnnau or Insumn Arruxms: For law officer, four Uggrrguu ¤f i¤¤¤i¤¤ thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; seven' clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; eight clerks of class
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