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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/749

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662 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. two; fourteen clerks of class one; twelve clerks, at one thousand dollars . each; fourteen clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; two messengers; two assistant messen ers; five laborers; two charwomen; in all, eighty> three thousand fourlliundred dollars. °°¤**¤8°¤*°¤*P°¤¤°*~ CoNTmoEN·r EXPENSES or THE WAR DEPARTMENT: For the follow- 'ing sums which shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies therein, namely: For. purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, blank books, pamphlets, newspapers, maps; furniture an repairs to same; carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, fuel, gas, and

heating ap ratus for and repairs to the buil ings (outside of the State,

VVar, and Wavy Department building) occupie by the Military Secretary’s Oihce, the Surgeon—General’s Oifice, Paymaster—Genera1’s and Ordnance offices, Signa Omce and building for signal stores and suplics, the depot quartermaster’s office, and the other offices of the War De rtment and its bureaus located in the Lemon Building; expenses of hbrses and wagons tobe used only for official purposes; freig t and express charges, temporary labor not to exceed one thousand ollars, an other absolutely necessary expenses, fifty thousand dollars. 9***1- For stationery for the War-Department and its bureaus and offices, twenty~five thousand dollars.. ¤¤¤*· For rent of buildings for use of the War Department, as follows: For medical dispensary, Surgeon-General’s Office, one thousand dollars; for Ordnance and Signal omces, two thousand five hundred dollars; for depot quartermaster’s office, two thousand five hundred dollars; for War Department, seven thousand two hundred dollars; for the Military Secretary’s Office, twothousand three hundred dollars; and for Bureau of Insular Affairs, three thousand three hundred dollars; in all, eighteen thousand eight hundred dollars. P¤¤°¤¢*=¤'=¤¤P¤· For posta e stamps for the War Department and its bureaus, as · retéuired unEer the Postal Union, to prepay postage on matters ad ressed to Postal Union countries, five undred dollars. mrgjglégtuildmmsnd PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUND8- _g*¤*¤ ¤¤·*¤¤•=¤· Ormcm or ruamc amnnmes arm eaomvns: For one assistant `engineer, two thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk of class four, one clerk of class three, one messenger; landscape gardener, two thousand dollars; surveyor and draftsman, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand one hundred and forty dollars. For chief clerk, at two thousand dollars, clerk and stenographer, at one thousand four hundred dollars, overseers, draftsmen, copyists. foremen, gardeners, mechanics, and laborers employed in the public grounds, thirty-tive thousand dollars. W¤'°*"¤°¤· For one sergeant of park watchmen. nine hundred and fifty dollars. For day watchmen as follows: One in Franklin Park; one in Lafayette Park; two in Smithsonian Grounds; one in Judiciary Park; one in Lincoln Park and adjacent reservations; one at Iowa Circle; one at Thomas Circle and neighboring reservations; one at Washington Circle and neighboring reservations; one at Dupont Circle and neighboring reservations; one at McPherson and Farragut parks; one at Stanton Park and nei hborin reservations; two at Henry and Seaton parks: one at Mount Ifernondkrk and adjacent reservations; one for the greenhouses and nurser ; two at grounds south of Executive Mansion; one at Garfield Park; one at Momunent Park; one at Monu. ment Park Annex (Potomac Park); twenty-one in all. at seven hungreiep and twenty dollars each, fifteen thousand one hundred and twenty o ars. For night watchmen as follows: Two in Smithsonian Grounds; one in Judiciary Park; two in Henry and Seaton parks; one in grounds