702 FIFIY -E1GHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. CHS. 546,547. 1905. complaint is made at an time, that the Secretary of War shall have the authorit to reduce the toll as in his discretion he sees proper. .T*¤¤° °* °°°*”°'·“ Sec. 6. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of mm` the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of the approval of this Act. -¤¤°”""°”*~ - Sec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, extend, or repeal this Act, or any of its provisions, is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 7, 1905. F¢b1‘¤¤¤' 7.1W- CHAP. 547.-An Act To exclude from the Yosemite National Park, California, [H' R· mm'] certain lands therein described, and to attach and include the said lands in the Sierra [Public, No. 40.] Forest Reserve. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofReesentatives of the United Y¤•¤¤¤¢¤ N¤¤<>¤•¤ States of America in Uongress assembled, 'fhat the tracts of land in P°1¥:hC$f¤e¤wns.1 w the State of California known and described as follows: Beginning at S“*§,'j*, °· the point where the middle of the channel of the South Fork of the Merced River intersects the line between sections -three and four, township four south, range twenty east., Mount Diablo base and meridian; thence northerly along section. ines through the middle of townships three and four south ran e twenty east, to the northwest corner of section three, township Ciree south, range twenty east; thence westerly along township line to the southwest corner of section thirty-three, township two south, range twenty east; thence northerly along section lines to the northwest corner of section twenty-one, said township; thence westerly along section lines to the southwest corner of section eighteen, said towns ip; thence southerly along range line to the southeast corner of the nort east quarter of section twenty-four, township two south, range nineteen east; thence westerly to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of section twenty-four, said township; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter ‘ of section twenty-four, said township; thence westerly along section lines to the soutliwest corner of section twenty-three, said townshi ; thence northerly along section lines to the northwest corner of tllle _ _ southwest quarter of section fourteen, said township; thence easterly to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section fourteen, said township; thence northerly along section line to the northwest corner of section thirteen, said township; thence easterly along section line to the northeast corner of section thirteen, said township; thence northerly along range line to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section seven, township two south, range twenty east; thence easterly to the northeastcorner of the southeast quarterof section seven, said township; thence southerly along section line to the northwest corner of section seventeen, said township; thence easterly along section lines to the northeast corner of section sixteen, said township; thence northerly along section lines to the northwest corner of section three, said township; thence westerly along township line to the southwest corner of section thirty-three, township one south, range twenty east; thence northerly along section lines to the northwest corner of section twenty-one, said township; thence westerly along section lines to the southwest corner of section eighteen, said township; thence northerly along range line to the northwest corner of section six, said township; thence westerly along Mount Diablo base line to the southwest corner of section thirty-four, township one north, range nineteen east; thence northerly along section lines through the middle of townships one and two north, ran e nineteen east, to the point of intersection with the summit of the évide between Cherry Creek on the west and Eleanor and Fall creeks on the east; thence along the summit of
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