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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/790

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H1. Cris. 547, 548. 1905. 703 said divide in aanortheasterly direction to the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains; thence southeasterly along the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the divide between the Merced and San Joaquin rivers; thence southwesterly along said divide to the oint of intersection with the south boundary of township four south, range twenty- three east, Mount Diablo base and meri ian; thence westerly along township hue to the point of intersection with the middle of the channel of the South For of the Merced River; thence westerly down the middle of said river to the place of beginning, are hereby reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or sale under the laws of the United States, and set apart as reserved forest lands, sub`ect to all the provisions of the Act of Congress approved October first, eighteen V<»1-26.1>-6·50- undred and ninety, entitled "An Act to set apart certain tracts of land in the State of California as forest reservations:" Provided, That mae, mm, all those tracts or parcels of land described in section one of the said Egof Siem Form Act of October first, eighteen hundred and ninety, and not included "°° within the metes and bounds of the land above described, be, and the same are hereby, included in and made part of the Sierra Forest _ Reserve: Azul provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior Rishw <>f ww may require the payment of such price as he may deem pro er for privileges on the land herein segregated from the Yosemite Iiiitional ark and made a part of the Sierra orest Reserve accorded under the Act approved February fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one, relatin V°’· 3* P- 7*- to rig ts of way over certain parks, reservations, and other lands, and _ _ other acts concerning rights of way over public lands; and the moneys gfii$€f°1$icS.i’sx°id¤¤'{2°S¤ii!i£ received from the privileges accorded on the lands herein se e ted “"*°”*‘ ““*· and included in the Sierra Forest Reserve shall be plaid into tlietlgzasury of the United States, to be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the management, improvement, and protection of the forest lands herein set aside and reserved, whieh shall ‘ hereafter be known as the “Yosemite National Park." Sec. 2. That none of the lands patented and in private ownership in Su£;;‘g*j0 *3*;;, {Q; the area hereby included in the Sierra Forest Reserve shall have the ¤¤¤·e1¤ws,e¤c. privileges of the lieu-land scrip provisions of the land laws, but otherwise to be in all respects under the laws and regulations affecting the forest reserves`, and 1mmediately upon the passage of this Act all laws, rules, and regulations affecting forest reservations, including the right to change the boundaries thereof by Executive proclamation, shall take effect and be in force within the limits of the territory excluded by this Act from the Yosemite National Park, except as herein otherwise provided. ' Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after mm. its passage. Approved, February 7, 1905. ` CHAP. 548.-An Act Authorizing the Kensington and Eastern Railroad Company Febm§r¥ig05. to construct a bridge across the Calumet River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_f.Re¥v·esentatiz·ea of the United States of America in Cbngrees assembled, That the Kensington and fiegzgpuféiigp {gh Eastern Railroad Com any, a railroad company organized under the Eastern Regime laws of the State of fillinois, its successors and assigns,_are hereby °°'“’°""“"° °‘°‘ authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a drawbridge across D,,,wb,;dge_ the Calumet River in the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-six, townshi thirty-seven north, range fourteen east of the third princi l meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, at a point L,,,,,m0,,_ about three hundreciiend fifty feet south of the north line of the said section, the said point being about eight-tenths of a mile upstream