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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/793

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706 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 551-553, 1905. and relinquished by the United States to the respective owners of the equitable titles thereto and to their respective heirs and assigns fo1·- ever, as fully and completely, in every respect whatever, as could be Q3,?"-. hm M done by patents issued therefor according to law: Proczdeet, That the no: anectzgconfirmations ranted hereby shall amount only to a relmqurshment of any title that die United States has or is supposed to have in_and to any of said lands, and shall not be construed to abridge, impair, in]ure, pre]u- dice, or divest in any manner any valid right, title, or interest of any person or body corporate whatever, the true intent of this Act being to concede and abandon all right, title, and interest of the Un1te States to those persons, estates, firms, or corporations who would be the true and lawful owners of said lands under the laws of Alabama, includi the laws of prescription, in the absence of the said interest, title, add estate of the Unite States. ‘ Approved, February 8, 1905. Fsbrvaw 8. 1905- GHAP 552.--A A thongtheuseof earth, ,and timberon the ub- [H· R‘ 1‘m°'] lic lands and forestllrdlesecrzesuof the United States in the ction of works uhder [rumie No. 54.] the national irrigation law. _ ‘ Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Repreaentatv}e:ea of the United ,§;§g·;g3gg¤eeg*-Ol) States of AmeMIea in Congress assembled, That in carrying out the prop¤p1a¤_1¤¤a¤.’ee¤.§’r0r visions of the national 1rrigation law, approved June seventeenth, {$§,§§,§’f‘ ‘"°’“· "“‘ nineteen hundred and two, and in constrncting works thereunder, the V0]- 32- P- 388- Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use and to permit the use by those engaged in the construction of works under said law, ` under rules and regulations to be rescribed b him, such earth, stone, and timber from the public land)s of the Ullited States as may be required in the construction of such works, and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to permit the use of earth, stone, and timber from the forest reserves of the United States for the same purpose, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him. Approved, February 8, 1905. February 8.1905. CHAP. 553.-—-An Act To open to homestead settlement and entry the relinquished [1 R· 150**] and undisposed of portions of the Round Valley Indian Reservation, in the State of [Public, Nc. sa] California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ifmme of Re]»·esen tatfves of tbe United diggrpjwxgglgg CES- States (if,/l.7)l€I‘Z.(,‘{t in Gmgreaw axseinbfed, That all_lands relinquished _ rndepmd 1..}.43 from the Round Valley Indian Reservation, in the State of California, },§;,,§;,,§f,,_°P°"°" ’° under an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the reduction of the Vol. as, p·6'>8- Round Valley Indian Reservation, in the State of California, and for other purposes,” approved October iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety, p,§§'s‘g;{¤{“'* '°“¥" which have not heretofore been disposeg of, shall be surveyed in accordance with the Government surveys and shall also be reappraised exclusive of improvements by a commission of three disinterested persons to be appointed by the President, or by a trusted inspector or special agent of the Department of the Interior, as the President in Preierence rigms. his discretion may direct. The said lands when surveyed and appraised shall be subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States; and all actual and bona fide set- - tlers upon said lands on January first, nineteen hundred and four, shall have a preference right to enter and hold the lands actually occupied ¤¤**· gy them, respectively, not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, and ey shall be credited with the time they have actually occupied the same