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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/794

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FIFTY-EIGHTH oosennss. sm. 111. ous. 553-554. 1905. 707 . on the time required by law to perfect title as homestead settlers. Each *’*Y*“°““· entryman of any of said lands shall pay for the same at the ap raised price, payments to be made in five equal annual payments, with interest on all deferred payments, at the rate of five per centum per annum: Pro- "°'”"°’· mkkd, That nothing in this Act shall prevent homestead settlers from "°“““““‘"°°“· commuting their entries under section twenty-three hrmdred and one, R·S··"°°·”'“·P·‘”· Revised Statutes, by paying for the land entered the ap raised price, receivingmcredit for payments previously made. In addition to the F°°“· price to paid for the land the entryman shall y the same fees and commissions at the time of commutation or iinallaentry, as now provided by law, where the price of the land is one dollar and twenty-five ’ cents per acre: And provided further, That aliens who have declared *“°“¥"“"""°”· their intention to become citizens of the United States may become purchasers under this Act, but before proving up and acquiring title must take out their full naturalization papers: And provided further, That all lands opened to settlement under this Act remaining undis- msg of ¤·¤¤¤i¤i¤¤ posed of at the expiration of five years from the ta.king effect of this Act may be sold and dis sed of for cash, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the ggcretary of the Interior. Sec. 2. That the funds arising from the sale of said lands shall be m"°°‘“°*"°°°°“ disposed of as provided in section four of the Act of October first, v°‘·’°·"°°°· cig teen hundred and ninety, providing for the disposal of the Round Valley Indian Reservation. Approved, February 8, 1995. _ (IHA?. 564.-AnActTo toe:-tain landsto the cultunlandueebmical F¤*>¤•¤’¤·1¤· College of Oklahoma for colleggresm farm and experiment stdghin purposes. G, 0. . Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmw1;zl¢;_a);`]i,ge]l;reae¢;.fat;}ves of the United States 0 America in Congress asaem , at a o section sixteen, 0¤¤¤<>¤¤¤- of townjshi nineteen north, range two east of the Indian meridian in a§°iiY;i·iiiu°€i¤s»€im:¤°d Oklahoma lI`erritory, being a portion of the lands reserved to said §'f°"‘“*°"°°“°'° Territory for the purposes of common schools, be, and the same is Vol-¤¤·1>-8% hereby, granted to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of said ‘ Territory for college farm and experiment station purposes, but no indemnity shall be allowed for this section. . Sec. 2. That the leases to the present tenants thereon, made by the ·§;Q§(§j‘¤ '°°”“ °°* board for leasing school lands of the Territory of Oklahoma, shall remain in full force and effect until their respective expirations, and that the chief justice of the supreme court of said Territory, the sec- ,,_§{j**‘ °‘ *"°“¤*· retary of the board for leasing school lands, and one person to be selected by the tenants upon said lands shall, within sixty days prior to the expiration of each such lease, fix the value of the improvements pggggg *°' *¤‘· thereon belonging to each such leaseholder, and the board of regents _ of said college shall immediately pay the amount so Hxed, and thereupon shall have immediate possession: Preceded, That if saidtenants shall fail to select a person to serve upon such board of arbitration - sixty days prior to the expliration of any lease, the governor of the Territory shall serve as suc member: A_nd prmzzded alsa,_That noth- Fg2g;:,];! °‘ *"*‘ ing in this Act shall be construed to abrmge the lawful right of any tenant to remove all of his improvements prior to the expiration of his lease, if he shall elect to do so, instead of accepting the award of the arbitrators. Approved, February 8, 1905.