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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/798

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. CHS. 564, 565. 1905. 711 CHAP. 564.-An Act To amend section nine of the Act of August second, F¤b¤'¤¤¥'Y 9, 1905 eighteen hundred and eighty-two, concerning lists of passengers. [Sc “8°·l Public, No. 63. Be it enacted by the Senate and House af]? esentattves of the United [ I States of America in Obngreas assembled, mt in lieu of the list in g_g:{§°§;°* P°°°°“· duplicate of passengers now prescribed by section nine of the Act ` approved August second, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled ,,,,Y§,};,e_,”· P- *8*- " n Act to regulate the carriage of passengers by sea," the master { 1·{¤M¤l¥¤¤¤b¤¤i¢w1 shall submit for inspection to the officer of customs who first makes °r °°p°°u°°` demand therefor, and shall subsequently deliver with his manifest of cargo on entry, a correct list, signed and verified on oath by the mas- T¤ be Med by mw ter, of all passengers taken on board the vessel at any foreign port or m°P°° °°°"` place, specifying, in the manner to be prescribed from time to time by Secwwrg gfbgvrg the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, the name of each passenger, gigcehrieumr-mi r age (if a child of eight years or under), sex, married or single, location _ ` o compartment or space occupied during the voyage (if the passenger be other than a cabin passenger), whether a citizen of the United States, number of pieces of baggage, and if any passenger die on the voyage the list shall specify the name, age, and cause of death of each deceased passenger. _ Sdmc. That this Act shall take eifect on July first, nineteen hun- E“°°° dr an tive. Approved, February 9,— 1905. . GKAP. 565.-An Ac·t’1‘oauthorizethecon¤truetionof abridgeacmntlrehiissouri FWIW . Bivubetvee¤LymanCou¤tya¤dBruleCounty, in theSt•teofSouthDnkota. , _ I}, 0. . Be it enacted the Senate and House of.Representati·vec af the United ' States of Amercya in Oangress assembled, That the White River Valley ¥»L?{’Q‘§i,,l§f,§°,5;,1,,, Railway Company, its successors and assigns, be, and are hereby gum? Cvgggpj authorized to construct and maintain a ]§ntoon and pile railroad uerKi¤,¥°i>¤r. _1 bridge, and approaches thereto. across the 1ssour1 River, extending ,,,§‘{'{,”,{°d‘;_°’°·· "‘“ ` from some convenient and practicable point to be selected on the west bank of said river in the county of Lyman and some conven1ent and practicable point in or near the ci? of Chamberlam, in Brule County, 1n the State of South Dakota, said bridge to be constructed so as to provide for the passage of railroad trains, engines, and cars. _ Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be constructed as a pontoon and pile D¤w•1>¤¤- brid e and shall contain one pontoon draw span not less than three hundred feet in length in the clear which draw span shall be maintained over the main channel of said river at an access1ble and navigable point, and the remaining portion of said bridge may be constructed as a pile bridge; and said bridge shall be at rrglét angles Pr W to the current of the river: Pravided, That said draw shall opened 0,,2},,,,,,, ,,,.,,,_ romptly by said company upon reasonable signal for the passage of mgm at boats and it shall maintain, at its own erépense, from sunset to sunrise, * °· such lights or other signals on said bri ge as the Light-House Board_ shall prescribe. _ _ _ Sno, 3. That the bridge constructed accordmg_to the provisions of mI&·P'g';¤!})ug;}'¤°*¤° this Act shall be a lawfu structure, and the same IS hereby declared to be a post route, and no higher charge shall be made for the transportae tion of the mails, the troops and munitions of war of the Lnited tates over the same, or for passengers or freight passing over said budge, than the rate er mile paid for their transportation over the railroads I and public higliways leading to said bridge; arid the United States shall ,,,g`h*g¤_°¤*¤P¤· °*°·» have the right of way across said bridge and ICS approaches for postal, telegraph, and telep one purposes, and equal privileges rn the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph an telep one companies.