7].0 FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 558, 559, 563. 1905. eighty-six, being balance of one dollar and eighty-five cents, same being on lot of one in square north of sqluare ive hundred and fifteen; scrip dated December sixth, eighteen undred and seventy, on lot seven in square sixteen, twenty dollars and forty cents; scrip dated August second, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot two in square seven hundred and forty-nine, fifteen dollars and eighty-one cents; scrip dated August second, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot three in square seven hundre and forty-nine, seven dollars and fifty- seven cents; scrip dated January sixteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, on ot six in square seven hundred and thirty-eight, twenty-five dollars and thirty-three cents; scrip dated January sixteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, on lot eight in square seven hundred and forty-three, fifteen dollars and fifty-six cents; scrip dated January ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot seventeen in square sixteen, twenty-nine dollars; scrip dated January nin th, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, on lot seventeen in square sixteen, twenty- nine dollars. · . Avvrcvristivn- A sumcient amount to paly the principal and interest of the scrip
”“" hereinbefore mentioned is ereb appropriated, one-hlf from the
· revenues of the District of Columbia, and one·half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. ‘ Approved, February 8, 1905. Feb 8. 1906. CHAP. 559.-An Act Makin an appropriation for fuel for the public schools of www-l the District of Columbia. g pp P P ' [Public, No. 61.] _ _ T _ SBe it enacted by the Senate and House ofBe{1>r·esentatines of the United m¤**i¤*°!°9‘¤¤¤b*¤· tates of America in. 0 ress assem Zed, That there is hereby a roméiprgiiiiliiiggtluodiiil priated out of any mod);? in the Treasury of the United Stategpnot otherwise appropriated the sum of thirty thousand dollars to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for fuel for public schools in the Dis- ¤g,°°g§Q!fug?¤ mr trict of Columbia for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, said ` sum tobe paid one half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half out of the Treasury of the United States. Approved, February 8, 1905. February 0. ms. CHAP. 583.-An Act To confirm title to lot five, in square south of square num- [6- 6376-l bered nine hundred and ninety, in Washington, District oi Columbia. 1 . . [Pub ic No Oz] Be it enactedbg the Senate and House of Representatives of the Onited I€g{¤’*g°¤Qg°l§pu*§yé States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War mum ei'»q¤m`oiao, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to correct the records of ,,c2,Ql§,,‘{f,",§2'"‘°° "’ the War Department in respect to lot five. in square south of square numbered nine hundred and ninety, mentioned in Senate Document Numbered Thirty-one, Fift -sixth Congress, second session (being a resolution of the Senate of jsinuary twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, a letter from the Chief of En 'neers, together with list of lots in the city of Washington, District ofgllolumbia, the title to MKQ ¤¤¤¤v•¤=¥ which the records of his office show to be in the United States), upon the filing by the actual occupants of the lot mentioned in said document sufficient proof that the said occupants or the rty under whom they claim have been in actual possession of the said Iibt for an uninterrupted riod of twenty years, so that the records shall show the title to said lift to be in the said occupants. Approved, February 9. 1905.