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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/801

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714 FH•'l`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 566, 567, 571. 1905. ·*’”*· P· 718- officer of the Army as provided for in section one of this Act, and also the cost of maintaining and operating the lock and dry dock with their appurtenances, after their comlpletion and due acceptanceeléy the Secretary of War on behalf of the nited States: And avid fur- P°"°’ P*°°*· t/cer, That the Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power Cgmpany shall provide, in connection with such lock, dry dock, and appurtenances, a suitable power plant for operating and ighting the same, according ‘ to pjrans and specifications submitted to and approved by the Secretary of ar. m§‘°°°“* °’ *°"“°’ Sec. 4. That the Act entitled "An Act granting to the Keokuk and V<>1·31.p- 764- Hamilton Water Power Company right to construct and maintain wing dam, canal, and power station in the Mississippi River in Hancock County, Illinois, ’ approved February eighth, nineteen hundred and ‘ one, is hereby relpea ed. . ,,§,*f“° °* °°“"“‘°‘ Sec. 5. That t is Act shall be null and void if actual construction of the works herein authorized be not commenced within five years and completed within ten years from the date hereof.

  • "‘°"°"‘°”'· Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

. expressly reserved. · _ Approved, February 9, 1905. · F°b*'°*`*’Y °· Im CHAP. 567.-An Act Autliorizing the changing` of the levels of certain lakes and

 the dispom of certain lands under the terms of the national reclamation Act.

[Public, No. 66.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rresentattves of the United {,'{'{{'f§'*§’g“;,,,,,,,,,,, States of America in Oongresa assembled, Tphat the Secretary of the }:l;g¤m¤¤gm G35; Interior is hereby authorized in carrying out any irrigation project cm. ’ " g' that maly be undertaken by him under the terms and conditions of the ,,};,§,{‘;j,§ ‘""*' "° nationa reclamation Act and which may involve the changing of the V<>1-82.1>-388- levels of Lower or Little Klamath Lake, Tule or Rhett Lake, and Goose Lake, or any river or other body of water connected therewith, in the States of Oregon and California, to raise or lower the level of ,9*¤P,°,:;és_°* ¤> said lakes as may be necessary and to disgose of any lands which may come into the ssion of the United tates as a result thereof by cession of any State or otherwise under the terms and conditions of the national reclamation Act. ‘ _ Approved, February 9, 1905. F°Fm§1§%f· CHAP. 571 .—An Act To extend the western boundary line of the'Stateof Arkansas. {?¤**U°· N0- 67] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0j`Repv·e8entatzves of the Ctzited A,k,,,,,,,_ States of Ameriea in Oongre-2.v assembled, That the consent of the United m};°jf;fgx,Qg§,'éj,*°{g States is hereby given for the State of Arkansas to extend her western gptngne part of 1¤¤1¤¤ boundary line so as to include all that strip of land in the Indian Terri- " °°"" tory lying and being situate between the Arkansas State line adjacent to the city of Fort Smith, Arkansas, and the Arkansas and Poteau $gj=¤g!;¤>‘50 rivers., described as follows, namely: Be 'nning at a point on the south '`bank of the Arkansas River one hundred] ces east of old Fort Smith, where the western boundary line of the State of Arkansas crosses the said river, and running southwesterly along the south bank of the Arkansas River to the mouth of the Poteau; thence at right angles with the Poteau River to the center of the current of said river; thence southerly up the middle of the current of the Poteau River (except where the Arkansas State line intersects the Poteau River) to a point iu the middle of the current of the Poteau River opposite the mouth ` of Mill Creek, and where it is intersected by the middle of the current of