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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/802

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 571, 572, 574, 575. 1905. 715 Mill Creek; thence up the middle of Mill Creek to the Arkansas State line, thence northerly along the Arkansas State line to the point of beginning: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to Pmviw. _ impair any r1ght now pertaining to any Indian tribe or tribes in said part .,;g8,i{,°€,'§i,c{L`ddT“"s* of said Indian Territory under the laws, a eements, or treaties of the United States, or to affect the authority of tb; Government of the United States to make any regulations or to make any law respecting said Indians or their lands which it would have been competent to make or enact if this Act had not been passed. Approved, February 10, 1905. CHAP. 572.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Winni- F¤b¤‘¤¤¤‘Y 11» 1905- peg, Yankton and Gulf Railroad Company to construct a combined railroad, wagon, [S· °“*5°·] an foot-passenger bridge across the issouri River at or near the city of Yankton, [Pub1ic,No. 68.] South Dakota." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzited _‘ States of America in Ocngress assembled, That section six of "An Act ?j?§,“§°§,1§}]'§§5 ,0, authorizing the Winnipeg, Yankton and Gulf Railroad Company to °’*d¤'gSénQ{{0IfVigg{, construct a combined railroad, wa on, and foot-passenger brid e across gid? Ruined com. the Missouri River at or near tie cit of Yankton, South gakota," B2? ‘" \““k°°'“‘ S" approved April fifth, nineteen hnndredy and four be, and the same is Aw. p. mv. . hereby, so amended that the time within which the said bridge is required to be commenced shall be within one year and the time within which it is required that said bridge shall be completed shall be within three years from the date of the approval of this Act. Approved, February 11, 1905.i CHAP. 574.-An Act Declaring Grand River to be not a navigable stream. F*il;I’9{,f{,}gé({l;°5 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [Publis No- 69-1 States of America in Congress assembled, That Grand River in the State 6,,,,,.1 m,.,.,,_ of Missouri above the city of Brunswick, in the county of Chariton B§\l‘;jSQygg§¤{{g_¤b°“° in said State, is hereby declared to be not a navigable stream and shall ' be so treated by the Secretary of War and by a other authorities. Approved, February 15, 1905. cKAP. .- Act To amend sections one, iiv and six of an Act entitled **An February 15.1906. Act authodiidg td; construction of a wagon, toll, aid electrierailway bridge over __ the Missouri River, at Lexington, Missouri,? approved April twerngyenghth, nine- [runne,no.·m.] teen hundred and four, exten mg the dprovisions thereofto steam- way cms, locomotives, and other motive power, an extending the time for commencing actual construction of said bridge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of Ameriea in 000197*088 d88C7H6b6d, That sections one, five, and six of an Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction of a wagon, nenzuy Ccmppgiy toll, and electric-railway bridge over_the lissouri River, at Lexington, {‘},‘§,{,,,.§‘}§f’· “ " Missouri,"’ approved April twenty-elghth, nineteen hundred and our, A"'*·P· #8- be amended to read as ollows: _ “SECTION 1. That the Lexington Suburban Ra1lway Company, duly tgéi meligfnded to incorporated under the laws of Missouri, IS hereby authorized to con- “A,,,, p_ 55, ,,,,,,,,1. struct and maintain a bridge and approaches thereto across the Mis- °°- . souri River, between the city 0 Lexmgton, _ Missouri, and_ Ray County, Missouri, at a point to be selected consistent with the inter-