FIFTY—EI(}HTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 587, 588. 1905. 721 the navigation of said rivers as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and to secure that ob]ect the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, ma s of location and designs and drawings of each of the bridges; and until the said plans and locations are approved by the Secretary of War the bridges shall not be commenced or built; and should any changes be °*““‘¤°°· made in the plans of said bridges, or any one of them, during the progress or construction or after completion, such changes shall be subfect to the approval of the Secretary of War, and all changes in sai bridges, or any one of them, required by the Secretary of War, at any time, or their entire removal, shall be made romptly by the corporations or persons owning or operating said bridges, at their own expense. Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A¤°¤d¤¤¤¤¢~ expressly reserved. Sec. 6. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction dTi¤¤¤ of •¤>¤¤¢ruc of the bridges herein authorized is not commenced within one year 0n` and completed within three years from the date thereof. Approved, February 18, 1905. CHAP. 588.-An Act To grant certain lands to the State of Ohio. F°H;'f*;{fY1{§i2_}?6- Whereas the State of Ohio in the fyears eighteen hundred and twenty- lP¤¤1¤¤. Ne 81-1 _ ed1.g~h’ t to e' hteen hundred and orty-four, inclusive, constructed tlie P,,,,,,,m_ ' andg Erie Canal; and Whereas the State of Olin, for the purpose of supplyin the said canal with water, built ind `constructe certain artihciad lakes or reservoirs known as the Mercer County Reurvoir, in Mercer and ` A laize counties, and the Loramie Reservoir, in Auglaize and Slilgby counties, the former being completed and flooded with water about the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, and the latter about the year eighteen hundred and forty-four; and Whereas it has recently come to the knowledge of the authorities of the State of Ohio that the title to the land above described is in the United States and not in the said State of Ohio: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House gl Representatives of the Matted States of America in Congress assemble , That the following-described 2}}:35 m Mme, lands in township six south, range three east, in Mercer County, Ohio, Auglaize. and sneibi be, and the same are hereby, granted to the State of Ohio, to wit: "°""""‘*"‘“°°° "" The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section two, town- ””‘“'*P“°"· ship six south, range three east. forty acres; the south half of the southwest quarter of section three, township] six south, range three east, eighty acres: the east half of the nort east quarter o section eight, township six south, range three east, eighty acres; the southwest quarter o the northeast quarter of section eight, township six south, range three east, forty acres; the northwest quarter of section eight, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixty acres; the southwest uarter of section eight, township six south, range three east, one {hundred and sixty acres: the northeast quarter of so-ction nine, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixtv acres; the southeast quarter of section nine, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixty acres; the northwest quarter of section nine, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixty acres: the east half of the southwest quarter of section nine, townshi six south, range three east, eighty acres; the southwest quarter ofp section ten, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixty acres; the northeast quarter of section eleven, township six south, range three east. one hundred and sixty . vox, xxxm, rr I--46
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