722 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. CHS. 588, 589. 1905. acres; the southeast quarter of section eleven, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixty acres; the east half·of the southwest quarter of section eleven, township six South, range three east, eighty acres; the northwest quarter of section seventeen, township six south, range three east, one hundred and sixty acres; the east half of the southwest quarter of Section seventeen, township six south, range three east, eighty acres; also the whole of section seven, township six south, range four east, in Auglaize County, Ohio, six hundred and ninety-four acres; also the north half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-seven, township seven south, range five east, in Shelby County, Ohio, eighty acres; and containing in all two thousand six hundred and ninety-four acres, more or less. Approved, February 18, 1905. February 18, 1905. CHAP. 589.-An Act Authorizing the Alexandria, Bayou Macon and Greenville [H· R- 17*81-] Railway Company to construct bridges over Red River, Little River, Ouachita River, [pubuc, N6, gg,] and Bayou Louis, in Be it enacted by the Senate and House gfRq>7·esentatives of t/ae United mR,gQérl;*j°fj;·d0g*;§_Q‘g States of Ame¢·ica in Congress assemble , That the Alexandria, Bayou mms, na. _ Macon and Greenville Railway Company, a corporation created and M‘°°,‘f‘],',§,'(§’§,E,“v’{§`§ or nized under the laws of the State of Louisiana, be, and the Same £•§_i{)§{dgg°¤P°¤Y is glitereby, authorized to construct and maintain, for the passage of ` ·railway trains, brid es with single or double tracks and approaches _ thereto over the Reg River, the Little River, the Ouachita River, and I·°·¤*¤°¤¤- Bayou Louis, in the State of Louisiana, at such locations as may be approved by the Secretary of War. apigfofylmgf 2;;**0 1:0. 2. That the said bridges shall be located and built under and _ "subject to such regulations for the security of navigation as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, and the said company Shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, designs and drawings of the bridges and maps of the locations, giving for the space of a mile above and a mile below the proposed locations the topograglxy of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the current at all stages, the soundings accurately showing the bed of the stream; and until the plans and locations have been approved by the_Secretary of War the ridges shall not be built or commenced. The Secretary of War shall have power to require such other information as he may deem neces- €¤¤¤8¤¤· ary for a. full understanding of the subject. Any changes made in the plans of said bridges during the progress of construction or after completion shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, and the said company shall, at its own expense, make such changes in said bridges as the Secretary of \Var may at any time direct in the interest of navigation. ,m‘é°pj*)SQ‘;},,f{;’s$f°’“'°* Sec. 3. That any bridge built under this Act and subject to its limitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which no higher charge shall be made for the transmission of mails and the troops and munitions of war of the United States over the same than the rate per mile paid for the transportation over_the railroad or zzipproaches leading to the said bridge; 1_,g`,,’g_°¤'°Ph· *'#°·· and it shall enjoy the rights an privileges of other st~roads in the United States, and equal privileges in the use of saidm bridge shall be granted to all telegraph and telephone companies, and the United States shall have the right of way across said bridges and their _ approaches for postal telegraph and telephone purposes. gJ,QggP”m°“° mw Jac. -1. That each of the said bridges shall be constructed with its center line substantially at right angles to the current of the river and
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