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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/810

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FIFTY-EIGHTH cosonsss. sms. 111. cm. ass, 591. mos. 723 as a drawbridge, so that a free and unobstructed ss eway may be secured to all water craft navigating said river. lllheldraws shall be _opened promptly, upon reasonable signals, for the passage of boats or vessels, and the said company shall maintain at its own expense, from mgm- °‘°· sunset to sunrise, such ights or other signals as the Light—House . Board shallqprescribe. · Sec. 5. at all railroad companies desiring the use of the said bridges U°° by °“‘°' ‘°"“‘“· shall have and be entitled to ecpnal rights and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains over the same and over the approaches thereto, ulpon the payment of reasonable compensation for such use; and in case °<>¤¤P¢¤¤¤¤¤¤· t e owner or owners of said bridges, and the several railroad com nies, ` or any one of them, desiring such use, shall fail to agree u on th: sum or sums to be paid and upon rules and conditions to which each shall conform in using said bridges, all matters in issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon the hearing of the allegations and proofs of the parties. · Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is expressly ·¤¤¤¤¢i¤¤¤¤¤- reserved; and this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of t.'fi¤¤° ¤f ¢¤¤¤*¤¤¤· the bridges herein authorized be not commenced within one year and m' _ completed within three years from the approval of this act. Approved, February 18, 1905. _ CHAP. 591.-—-An Act Permitthe buildin of a dam across the i nb 20- 1905- River between the village of Saukmfspids, BSI1lb15COH11h}', Minnesota, and the dig of Saint Cloud, Stearns County, Minnesota. · [mane, so. sz.] Bee¥e1iactedbytkaSevaateandHouseof of tlae United Middmmvm ’ States of Amer¤?:a in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress stun Rapids mint is hereby granted to the Sauk Rapids Manufacturing Company, a cor- {{§§.“'l,'L$,F,§,’§"§2§{ poration organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its suc- ¤¤Pi°¤· M*¤¤· cessors or assigns, to build a dam across the Mississippi River at the Sauk Rapids, so called, in said river, and between the village of Sauk Rapids, in Benton County, Minnesota, and the city of Saint Cloud, or an addition thereof, in Stearns County, Minnesota, for the development of water power, and such works and structures in connection therewith as may be necessary or convenient in the development of said _ power and in the utilization thereof: I’»·0c£ded, That the plans for the f,Q',§,Q{‘,jj“· 0, wm, ,0 construction of said dam and appurtenant works shall be submitted to ¤1>r>r¤v•=rifl¤¤¤. <·r<·- and approved by the Chief o Engineers and the Secretary of War _ before the construction of the same: And jnwvided jiwtlwr, That the p,:',,‘,§f“““°""" °' said Sauk Rapids Manufacturing Company, its successors or assiglps, shall not deviate materially from said lans after such approval, eit er before or after the completion of said) structures, unless the modification of said xlans shall have been submitted previously to and received the approval of the Chief of Engineers and of the Secretary of War: . Am] /u-u»·/¢le·J_r9u-thm-. That there shall be placed and maintained in_ $*¤*¤¤*¤f· connection with said clam a sluiceway so arranged as to permit logs, ` timber. and lumber to pass around, through, or over said dam without unreasonable delay or hindrance and without toll or charges: And ` pm»·/a/~l_r>u·M»·I·. That said dam shall be so constructed that the Gov- ·”"¤ *° ¤“‘€°“°¤- ernment of the United States may at any time construct in connection therewith a suitable lock for navigation purposes, and may at any time, without compensation, control said dam so far as shall be necessary for purposes of navigation, but shall not destroy or reduce the water power developed by said dam_and structuresto any greater extent than may be necessary to provide proper facilities for navigation, and the Secretary of War may at any tune require and enforce, °"“““°’· at the expense of the owners, such moditications and changes in the _