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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/818

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_I•`IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 592, 593. 1905. 73]. except on proof that the defendant was duly notified of infringement, and continued the same after such notice. Sec. 29. That in constrning this Act the following rules must be Buhlobserved, except where the contrary intent is plainly apparent from the context thereof: The United States includes and embraces all territory which is under the jurisdiction and control of the United States. The word "States" includes and embraces the District of Columbia, the Territories of the United States, and such other territory as shall be under thelgurisdiction and control of the United States. The terms "person" a "owner,” and any other word or term used to designate the applicant or other entitled to a benefit or privilege or rendered liable under the provisions of this Act, include a firm, corporation, or ' association as well as ·a natural person. The term "a plicant" and "registr·ant" embrace the successors and assigns of such applicant or registrant. The term " trade—mark" includes any mark which is entitled to registration under the terms of this Act and whether registered or not an a trade-mark shall be deemed to be ‘*afHxed" to an article when it is placed in any manner in or upon either the article itself or the receptacle or package or upon the envelope or other thing in, by, or with which the goods are packed or inclosed or otherwise prepared for sale or distribution. Sec. 30. That this Act shall be in force and take effect April first, E“°°“· ' nineteen hundred and five. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent mI§j,§§f;ws°* i°°°¤‘ with this Act are hereby repealed except so far as the same may apply R- S·.¤¤c¤.`·m1-4946. to certificates of registration issued under the Act of Congress approved 4°i75f March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, entitled “An Act to authorize the registration of trademarks and plrotect the same," or ` under the Act approved August mth, eighteen undred and eighty- V¤1-n an two, entitled "An Act relating to the registration of trade·marks." Approved, February 20, 1905. ' CHAP. 3.-—An Act Relatin to the ment and d` ition ofnsion rnone F°l*’¤¤¤‘Y 20- 1905- due to of the Governmeng Hospitglsior the Insanlglms pc y __lH‘ HiFi21h_____ [Public. No. 85.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represe2ztat2`z~e.s of the United _ _ States of America in Cbngresa assembled, That the proviso in the Act mi'}§},°{{f§‘{f;f,,ff,f"‘*"‘ approved August seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty —two, appearing c_)¥:;;“<;t]_i{$:;¤j£{;i»;8r;; on page three hundred and thirty of the Twengsecond Statutes at us. "_ Large, and relating to nsions of inmates of the overnment Hospital _,Xg§;,_,_f*· *’· “°· for the Insane, is erebe stricken out and the following inserted; B.S·.¤€¤.4843.p·999- ",Prm»ided, That in addition to the persons now entitled to admission m{;;·{¤;,<*;m;¤¢p; lim; to said hospital, any inmate of the National Home for Disabled Volun- abled v.»m¤¤»¤l· sonteer Soldiers who is now or ma hereafter become` insane shall, upon ‘“""· an order of the president of the hoard of Managers of the said National _ Home, be admitted to said hospital and treate therein. Duringuthe ,,,I,Q§,*Q,§‘}`,}'_°'“°“° °' time that any pensioner shall be an inmate of the Government ospital for the Insane all money due or becoming due upon his or her pension shall be paid by the pension agent to the superintendent of the hospital, upon a certificate by such superintendent that the pensioner is an inmate of the hospital and is living, and such pension money shall be by said superintendent disbursed and used, under regulations to be prescribed ry the Secretary of the Interior, for the benefit of the pensioner, and, in the case of a male pensioner, his w1fe, minor children, and dependent parents, or, if a female pensrpner, her minor children, if any. in the order named, and to pay his or her board and maintenance in the hospital; the remainder_of such pension money, if any, to be placed to the credit of the pensroiner an to be paid to the pensioner or the guardian of the pensioner rn the event of