732 » FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 593, 720. 1905i his or her discharge from the hospital; or, in the event of the deathof said pensioner while an inmate of said hospital, shall, if a female pensioner, be paid to her minor children, and, in the case of a male pensioner, be paid to his wife,,if living; if no wife survives him, then to his minor children; and in case there is no wife nor minor children, then the said unexpended balance to his or her credit shall be applied {,`ggj;'}”;’,;¤dscw,,,€d to the general uses of said hospital: Provided farther, That in the wncccunvs uf. case of pensioners transferred to the hospital from the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, any pension money to his credit at said Home at the time of his said transfer shall be transferred with him to said hospital and placed to his credit therein, to be expended as hereinbefore provided; and in case of his return from said hospital to the Home, any balance to his credit at said· hospital shall, in like manner, be transferred tosaid Home, to be ex n ed in accordance with the rules established in re rd thereto. This provision shall also be applicable to all unexpendedgpension money heretofore paid to theofficers of the said hospital on account of pensioners who were but are not now inmates thereof." Approved, February 20, 1905. February 21. 1905. CHAP. '720.—An Act To prevent the use of devices calculated to convey the- _lH· R· ]5‘r’78·l impression that the United States Government certifies to the quality of gold or sil- [Public, No. 86.] ver used in the arts. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and [base of Representatv}ve8 of the United ,,,g“"°“ 8***** ““‘“*’· States OfA}il€ftC(t in Congress assembled, That it shall be unlawful for 0nS¤;¤;yi¤;scWQ§g?8Q:; any person, partnership, association, or corporation engaged in commig" merce among the several States, Territories, District of Columbia, and possessions of the United States, or with any foreign country, to stamp any gold, silver, or goods manufactured therefrom, and which are intended and used in such commerce, with the words "United States assay,” or with any words, phrases, or devices calculated to convey the impression that the United States Government has certified to the iineness or quality of such gold or silver, or of the gold or silvercontained in any of the goods manufactured therefrom. Each and every such stamp shall constitute a separate offense. ,,£“"l°Y *°" "‘°l“‘ Sec. 2. That every person, partnership, association, or corporation violating the provisions of this Act, and every officer, director, or managing a ent of such partnership, association, or corporation having knowledge of such violation and directly participating in such violation or consenting thereto, shall he deemed guilty of a misde~ meanor, and, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not more than five thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. ,,,§$iZ¤*°· *¤’**“¤1‘° Sec. 3. That 'any gold, silver, or goods manufactured therefrom after the date of the passage of this Act, bearing any of the stamps, words, phrases, or devices prohibited to be used under section one hereof, and being in the course of transportation from one State to another, or to or from a Territory, the District of Columbia, or possessions of the United States, shall be forfeited to the United States, and may be seized and condemned by like proceedings as those provided by law for the forfeiture, seizure, and condemnation of property imported into the United States contrary to law. · Approved, February 21, 1905.
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