FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 733, 734-. 1905. 733 CHAP. 73§.—An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to better define and ‘ F¤`¤¤‘¤¤fY 23.1905 regulate the rights of aliens to hold and own real estate in the Territories,' ’ approved [S" 1258*] · March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. [Public, Np. 87.) Be it enacted by the Senate ¢md][0use of Re zresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, {hut; the Act entitled "An Dj]§‘£°g’,§§g}§h‘$I$*g; Act to better define and regulate the rights of aliens to hold and own 1¤¤<¤¤i¤-_ _ real estate in the Territoriesf approved March second, eighteen hun- a¤?hnL€ril?l`¤ll·i;§°$;l dred and uinety-seven, be, and the same is hereby,_umended so as t0"°{,§f“°Q;, P m extend to aliens the same rights and privileges concerning the acqui- ¤¤¤¤¤?1c<i·`` sitzion, holding, owning, and disposition of real estate in the District of Columbia as by that Act are conferred upon them in respect of real estate in the Territories of the United States. Sec. 2. That all laws and parts of laws so far us they conflict with MPM- the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. | Approved, February 23, 1905. l CHAP. 734.-An Act To amend chapter fifty-five of an Act entitled "An Act to F°b*'““'§Y A 1905* establish a code of law for the District of Columbia. _..l§f..6541l.4 [Public, No. 88.] Be it enacted ke; the Senate and House ofRqmesmtatives of the United _ . ` States of America in Congress assembled, That chapter fifty-five of the ”(§f,"d’l?,§§f§,‘,§’,‘,§‘;}{",§,f· Act of Con ress entitle "An Act to establish a. code of law for the District of %}olumbia," applroved March third, nineteen hundred and one, be, and the same is ereby, amended by striking out sections sixteen hundred and eight, sixteen hundred and nine, sixteen hundred and benhsixteen hundred and eleven, sixteen hundred and twelve, and sixteen undmd and thirteen, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: `°Sec. 1608. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, m0P*=¤i¤¢ °* mm and they are hereby, authorized to open, extend, widen or stmi hten wi. s1, p. mo, alleys and minor streets in the District of Columbia under the fc51ow— “"‘°“d°°‘ ing conditions, namely: First, upon the petition of the owners of more Penman. than one-half of the real estate in the square or block in which such alley or minor street is sought to be opened, extended, widened, or straightened, accompanied by a plat showing the opening, extension, widening, or stmi htening proposed; second, when the Commissioners deem that the public interests require such oplening, extension, widening, or straightening; third, when the healt officer of said District Hmmhcertilies to the necessity for the same on the grounds of public health: Pmvidevl, That n minor street shell be of u width of not less than forty {ggfgv- M_ H [ feet nor more than sixty feet and shall run through n square or blocl: ¤|1ey¤,te::·ll ms `° from one street to another. “Sr:c. 160821. That if in the opening, extension, widening or stra.ight~ ¤,fQ}€‘§““ °’ "”’°“ ening of an alley or minor street, or in the extension or widening of public streets or· highways, an alley or part of an alley may have been, or may hereafter he, in the judgment of the said Commissioners rendered useless or unnecessary, said Commissioners are authorized to close the same. That if the alley to be closed is anoriginul alley, they 5** 0*- nmv sell the land contained therein for cash at s. rice not less than they assessed value of contiguous lots. That if the alley is not an Reversion ¤1,_m original alley, the title thereto shall revert to the owners of the land {’,}{,'Q,*f” °‘ "'·‘“""‘g abutting thereon, but all such land shall be subject to the assessment for benefits hereinafter referred to. “Sec. 1608b. That the said Commissioners are authorized to accept m;~(gg&#;gggXyg_g1<;;¤g the dedication of an alley or alleys and in connection therewith to ones. close any existin alley or alleys in the square or block in which such dedication is mage u 'Il the application of the owners of all the propertv abutting on suclioexisting alley or alleys. That if the alley pro· rnxwexings. posled to be closed is au original alley. the party or parties making the
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