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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/824

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FlFTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 7 34, 735. 1905. 737 or in equity, the amount found to be due and payable as damages sustained by reason of the opening, extension, widening, or straightening of said alley or minor street under the provisions hereof shall be paid as hereinbefore provided. " Sec. 1611. That all money derived from the sale of land in which 0,’?,],1H,§“1°'P’°°“°“” the United States is interested, under the provisions of this Act, shall V<>l· .31- 1>· 160. be paid into the Treasury of the United States b the Commissioners m°°d°d' ` of the District of Columbia to the credit of the United States. "Sec. 1612. That in all cases where plats are required to, be made $§€“‘ 31, p_ 1,3,, under the provisions of this Act, or where the said Commissioners ¤=¤°¤d¢d· shall deem It necessary that they shall be made in order to more effectually carry out any provision hereof, such lats shall be made by the surveyor of the District of Columbia, who shall require the rson or persons desiring the same to deposit inadvance a sum to dldiray the cost of preparing the same; any amount of such de sit remaining . after the cost of suclbplats has been paid shall be refuniioed to the party so depositing: Provided, That plats ordered by the said Commissioners P*·M—•¤- shall be prepared by said surveyor free of cost. Fm °f°°°t‘ “ Sec. 1613. That the validity of any condemnation proceeding under ,nP'°'*°“" P’°°°°d· the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide for the opening of iiieez or mime to alleys in the District of Columbia," approved July twenty-second, "‘$l,{{ ,,_ W eighteen hundred and ninety-two, or under the Act of Congress V°'· ”· P- W- entitled "An Act to open, widen, and extend alleys in the District of Columbia," approved August twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninetyfour, or under the sections of the code of law for the District of Columbia hereby I’GPBll0d,_Sl18ll not be affected by the want of prpper notice to a:ylpropriet0r of land in the squaare, except as to su proprietor; ait shall appear to the satis tion of the Commissioners of the District of Co umbia that any such proprietor was not notihed as required by said Acts the said. Commissioners may proceed uqder this Act to condemn the land aiiected by the want o such notice. ‘ Approved, February 23, 1905. CHAP. 735.-An Act To designate parcels oi land in the District of Columbia for February 22, mas. the purposes of assessment and taxation, and for other purposes. _____n_[$;f*;'j“·]_ _ 7 Public, No. 89. - Be it enacted by the Senate and House bf Repv·esen¢atz'¢¤es of the United [ 1 States of.Americ¢¢ in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of facili- D,§j},{{°‘Q;Q,f£;j";,Qj_{Q,?; tating the assessment and taxation of real property in the territory upng. iam. vuwidc within the limits of the District of Columbia ying outside of the citv of ° y m ' Washington the following system of desiglnating the several subdivisions, b ocks, lots, and parcels of land is ereby prescribed, and each and every designation made or given in conformity with said system shall be deemed a sufficient description of the property to which it relates for all purposes of assessment and the collection of taxes and assessments of every kind. Sec. 2. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are b glwlggggé. grgeq hereby authorized and directed to cause to be given numbers to all of .5,,5,;,,., E., K., nu,}'. said blocks or squares, lots or parcels of land as said blocks, squares, bm · lots, or parcels of land have been formed by the highway-extension plan, now of record in the office of surveyor of the District of Columbia, and existing subdivisions, and to place the numbers so given upon the said hi hway-extension plan: Hmwdeed That in allcases where two or gytpwé, mmm_ more biocks or parts of contiguous existing subd1v1sions are surrounded s;,,,,, . as a group by existing streets or roads, or by proposed streets of the highway-extension plan, such group shall be numbered as a block or square upon the recorded plats of the highway-extension plan: Pro- _ ceded further, That where ots are numbered in duplicate in any block D“P'*°*'° ““”**’°** VOL xxxm. rr 1——47