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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/825

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738 FIFTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 735, 736. 1905. or square which includes parts of two or more existing subdivisions, N°"1°* ¤“”“’°”- new lot numbers shall be given said lots numbered in duplicate, and new lot numbers shall also be given to all parts of lots remaining after the extension of streets or alleys by dedication, condemnation, or purchase, whereby parts of lots have become public property: Promded •>¤¤xi¤¤¤zr¤¤¤¤1¤ f5n·ther, That new lot numbers shall also be given to a l parts of original and subdivide: kgs now exisémg or;) the records of the assessor and the surveyor of the istrict of um ia. P1¤¢b<¤>1¤.¢¤- Sec. 3. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall cause to be prepared a series of volumes of plats, on·a scale of one hundred feet to Vtlée ipch, embracing fill the kind in Distrilpt outside the city of as ington these ats to s ow at a times the separate parcels of land created by subdivisions, sales, wills, condemnations, dedioations, decrees of court, or otherwise, each with its distincding *¤ °¤¤¢ five number. Said books shall be kept in the office of the surveyor of ysaid Districtyand shall be numbered according to the first and last page numbers of each volume, the pages being numbered continuously, and ipldelnnimlytiigsingupn némbers lasfrnew books are opened to record c ges in out es parce s om any cause. 1)**1,;,,.;,* °""'°'.{¤.,g°i Sec. 4. That for the purpose of keeping said books constantly cur-

 rent and up to date, the said Commissioners shall cause an employee

of the surveyors office to make daily transcripts of all deeds of conveyance, wil s, condemnations, decrees, and o er instruments or proceedings by which boundaries are changed; for which purpose, such employee of the surveyor’s office shall at all times during business hours have fullland fre? aqcess to all records of the reclqarpler of deeds, _ register of wil s cler o the supreme court, mars , and other °°’i°' °m°°°°"”‘ officials; and thelsurveyor shall daily furnish to the assessor a copy of such transcript, from which a duplicate set of taxation and assessment $235 wm, of plat books shall be maintained biy the said assessor: Provided, That Pm *’°°k°- the current series of taxation an assessment plat books in the surveyor’s office shall be the standard book of reference for all purposes pif agse:smentf:$ tax)ation by all departments of the government of e is riot o um ia. ,,,§*g{g’,‘§ ‘{L°§’,;&,$,‘§; Sec. 5. That the designation given as hereinbefore prescribed to mums, we egeh bloc; or pqplare, lot or pqrpgl cg lpnd, reppggpvegf appetabring on tereco so teassessoro e isricto umiaat etime any assessmeqt orhupf levied for whiclli such prpperty may becomg su ject to sa e, s a a coin lete an officia esignation of sai block or square, lot or parcel otp land, for the purpose of the collection of taxes or assessments of apiy kind, and the designations so given shall he considered good and su cient descriptions in any advertisements of such property for sale for delinquent taxes or assessments. APP’°P'¤***°¤· Sec. 6. That in order to enable the said Commissioners to carry out Ha f I H the provisions of this Act, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars is ,,,w,l,,,_'°’” m" '" hereby appropriated, one—half from the revenues of the District of golumbta and! one—half from any moneyls in the Treasury of the United tates not otherwise appropriate · said sum to be expended by contract or by rlpler diem services, in tlie discretion of the Commissioners. BGDHL Sec. 7. at all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, February 23, 1905. F*"b’{‘;’,Q’7.§’j]19°5· CHAP. 736.-An Act To reinstate Francis S. Nash as a surgeon in the Navy. i*;¤bl*°· N0- 9°~l Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq»·esen.tative.s of at/w United Francis s.}:...;;. States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the g_j·,gPg,*g,‘:*v;§*°*·¤* United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Francis S. Naslioa surgeon in the