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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/827

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740 FH•`TY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sicss. III. Cris. 738, 739. 1905. February 23 1905- CHAP. 738.-An Act To change the lunacy proceedings in the District of Colum- [S·°2“·] bia where the Commissioners of said District are the petitioners, and for other [Public, No. vi.] purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat¢}ues of the United £u¤1j¤:=;¤lf¤¤¥¤¤,,¤¤ Stages ofAmm·ica in Congress assmnbled, 'lthat hereafter the proceedeupemmnucammse in instituted upon petition of the Commissioners of the District of ‘°$'§",,,_ ,,_ m Coqlimbia to determine the mental condition of alleged indigent insane persons and persons alleged to be insane, with homicidal or otherwise dangerous tendencies, shall be according to the provisions of the code of law for the District of Columbia relating to lunacy proceedings: $1;*3*;-0, I , , Provided, That the jury to be used in case the said Commissioners are wunjumn. the petitioners shall be imgmneled by the United States marshal for said District, upon order o the court, from the jurors in attendance upon the criminal courts of said District, who shall perform such serv- _ ices in addition to and as part of their duties in said criminal courts: Y°“°°°°*¤‘* i“'°¤· Haddad jiwtlser, That during such time as jurors are not in attendance upon said criminal courts the court may direct the said marshal to impanel the jurors in attendance upon the police court of said Distriet, who shall rform such duties in addition to and as part of their SP°<=*·*i¤¤· duties in said police court; or the said court may direct a special jury u,${*og°*¤*¤°¤* 0* to be summoned for such inquisitions. In case any such person ` adjudged to be of unsound mind has property, real or personal, the equity court of said District shall have ful power in the same cause to appoint a committee or trustee of the rson and estate of such person, R°*'¤"“”°¤°¤°· according to the provisions of said cod: and such committee or trustee shall reimburse, out of the funds of the lunatic, the District of Columbin. for all court costs expended or incurred by it and for all moneys . by it expended or costs incurred in caring for and treating such insane person up to the time of such appointment. ”*°°h°'¤°°P°“°“”· Sec. 2. That in case any person adjudged to be of unsound mind in the District of Columbia who is committed to the Government Hospital for the Insane, or an other institution, recovers his or her reason, and who is discharged from such institutions as cured, the signerintendeut of said Government Hospital for the Insane, or the 0 cial in charge of any such other institution where such person has been under treatment and has been so discharged, shall immediately thereafter tile with the clerk of the supreme court of the District of ,0§;'g$,'j,°{j°°¤*°°‘“ Columbia his sworn statement that such person, in his opinion, was at the time of his discharge of sound mind, and such statement shall be sufficient to authorize the court to pass an order declaring such person to bs restored to his or her former legal status as a person of sound min . . Approved, February 23, 1905. February zi, 1906. CHAP. 739. —An Act To amend an Act approved February twelfth, nimwen hun- ___[§{g‘j22l dred and one, entitled "An Act to provide for eliminating certain grade crossings on [public, gu gg,] the line of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company, in the citly of Washington, District of Columbia, and requiring said compen to depress and e evate its tracks, and to enable it to relocate parts of its railroad therein, and for other purposes." Be it enacted 74; the Senate and House of Representatives of the Un 2`ted

gigjgégbigg States of America in Cbngreaa assembled, That section thirteen of the

miumm and row- Act approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, entitled ‘:,“,f,. ’f§}"f,§’;°w,Y§’,}‘; ‘“An Act to provide for eliminating certain grade crossings on the line °*g5{*¤¢§* p ,,3 of the Baltimore and Potomac Bailrow Company, in the city of Wash- ¤me¤k1eu. ington, District of Columbia, and requiring said company to de ress and elevate its tracks, and to enable it to relocate parts of its railioad therein, and for other purposes," be, and it is hereby, so amended as to permit the completion of the work within seven years from the date