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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/826

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Cns. 736,737. 1905. 739 Navy, to take rank next after Surgeon Henr B. Fitts, said Nash having resigned from the Medical Corps of the Niavy after fourteen years’ service. · · · Sec. 2. That said Nash shall receive no pay or emoluments except No min ewfrom the date of his appointment, and that he shall be additional to the number of officers prescribed by law for the grade of surgeon in the Nav and to any grade to which he may hereafter be advanced: Bmnded' , That he pass successfully the physical examination required MM- . for entrance into the service, an the professional examinations he E°mm°°°°' would have had to pass had he remained on the active list of the Navy. Approved, February 23, 1905. . CHAP. 737.-An Act Authorizing the closing of part of an alley in square num- Febmhfy 23. 1906- bered seven hundred and thirty-three, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia. [S·' °°88·] _ Public, No. 91. Be it enacted by the Senate andHouse of R esentatives of the United [ ]_ States of America in Congress assembled, mt the Commissioners of Déf,§°',lY,Q°f°:}1°`}"]{’]§?; the District of Columlg anie éiereby autholfizeld andfdirepted, on tpe in ¤¤°•’°g;3· tition of ames ‘ ina i bons, arc bis o o Ba timore, the Sauer of original lots twenty-four, twenty-five., twi-inty-six, and twenty- , seven, gid sublotbforty*—fo}11€vin}square nnémbered spvenlhuxgdred) and th1'rty- ree, in the cit o as ington, istrict o C0 um ia, eing all the property abuttiriyg on that part or portion of an alley twenty- five feet wide in the eastern part 0 seplilare numbered seven hundred 'and thirty-three, saitd cityt;;>ffWas `sgton, Disprict of Columbiad · an runnin no an sou or a istance 0 seven -one an eighty-threagonehundmdths feet, to declare said apart ortiaortion of vggrgdggg gy said alle to- be closed and to convey the title ereof to the said auniexmms. James Chrdinal Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore, by deed in fee simple in the name of the United States (the said Commissioners being hereby vested with power and authorit so to do) upon the said James Cardinal Gtigbonp, archbishop [pf lhaltimgre, cqnveygng ml'"; :jelf:,3foj_‘15?g; or causin to be conve in ee simp e to the United States . or a ey puépcsa. purposesgthe following plart of original lot numbered three, in said square numbered seven undred and thirty-three, to wit: Begin- D°°°’*P'*°“· ning at the northeast corner of said lot three and running thence west twenty-three feet, thence south forty-one and eighty-three one-hundredthys feet, thence east twenty-three feet, and thence north forty- one and eighty-three one-hundredths feet to the lace of beginning, and u n 510 payment to the said Commissionerslby said James Car- *’*‘Y’”°"°· dinal Cibbons, archbishop of Baltimore, of a price per square foot in current 1g1I0Dé); of the Unite;} Stageslfor tlhe exc:;;; in thehnumber og uare eet o said rt o said a e erein ore author1zed' an directed to be closed,l:nd that part of Dsaid original lot three hereinbefore lnfentionegé eqluail to the txéue value per bgqpgre footbof ori ina ot num re t ree, in said uare num A seven un re anchthirty-three, as determined by tha board of assistant assessors of the District of Columbia, which said deed of convevance by said Commissioners u n its execution and delivery and the conveyance aforesaid of said hgreinbefore first-mentioned part of said original lot numbered three and the payment of the purchase money aforesaid shall operate to divest the United States of their title to the land composing said of iagdtgllfey so cplnyzyed gnldalyest the same in the ' ‘a i ns, arc is 0 o imore. SaglECluéle§rll;t part of said originalllot three, when conveyed to D°P°¤i° °f *°°·°=¤>**· the United States, shall be forever used as an alley, and that the said Commissioners upon receipt of the purchase money aforesaid shall cover the same into the Treasury of e United States. Approved, February 23, 1905.